



tickets #116638


checksum fails for downloaded ISO

Added by pjessen over 2 years ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

Core services and virtual infrastructure
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This issue has popped up every now and again, and also been the topic of a factory list thread, just this week.
The issue seems to be that mirrorcache issues redirects for certain (hardcoded) symlinks. I'm copying the most recent thread contribution by Andrei Borzenkov:

On 15.09.2022 20:34, Per Jessen wrote:
> Per Jessen wrote:
>> Andrei Borzenkov wrote:
>>> I am still unsure because the first redirection comes to the local
>>> file (not to a mirror), and I do not know whether this redirection is
>>> performed by mirrorbrain/MirrorCache or web server on download.o.o
>>> itself. But it does not really matter because the final name on
>>> mirrors will still include version.
>> I've already checked the apache config pontifex, I'll do it again.
> I have gone over the download.o.o apache config and I see nothing that
> does any redirection or rewriting based on symlinks.  I can only
> conclude it is being done by mirrorbrain/mirrorcache.  

For MirrorCache it apparently was added relatively recently:

commit 90e6bf65e20c49a96a974b1a504a2dcea750675f
Author: Andrii Nikitin <>
Date:   Thu Dec 9 07:09:53 2021 +0100

    Special handling unversioned media symlinks (#235)

    * Remove outdated variable MIRRORCACHE_COUNTRY_RESCAN_TIMEOUT
    * Improve test 04-remote-link
    * Try to use redirect for unversioned media symlinks
    * Track symlink with hashes for unversioned media files if in the
same folder
    * Do not calcuclate hashes for symlinks

I won't claim to understand what MirrorCache tries to do it for, but it
only does it for two files - -Media and -Current:

+sub _detect_ln {
+    my ($dir, $file) = @_;
+    return undef unless $file && $file =~

Tests added in the same commit expect that sha256 files are links

+echo now change the symlink and make sure redirect changes
+    cd $ap9/dt/folder1
+    ln -sf file2.1-Media.iso file-Media.iso
+    ln -sf file2.1-Media.iso.sha256 file-Media.iso.sha256
+$mc/backstage/job -e folder_sync -a '["/folder1"]'
+$mc/curl -I /download/folder1/file-Media.iso        | grep -C 10 302 |
grep /download/folder1/file2.1-Media.iso
+$mc/curl -I /download/folder1/file-Media.iso.sha256 | grep -C 10 302 |
grep /download/folder1/file2.1-Media.iso.sha256
+$mc/curl -L /download/folder1/file-Media.iso.sha256 | grep -q
"2019dd7afaf5759c68cec4d0e7553227657f01c69da168489116a1c48e40270e  "

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