action #105061
closed[sporadic] os-autoinst: 29-backend-driver.t: Failed test 'log output for backend driver creation' size:S
[ 206s] 3: # Failed test 'log output for backend driver creation'
[ 206s] 3: # at ./29-backend-driver.t line 24.
[ 206s] 3: # STDOUT & STDERR:
[ 206s] 3: # hannel_in 20
[ 206s] 3: # [0m
[ 206s] 3: # don't match:
[ 206s] 3: # (?^u:(Blocking SIGCHLD|channel_out))
[ 206s] 3: # as expected
[ 206s] 3: # Looks like you failed 1 test of 12.
[ 206s] 3: [13:25:34] ./29-backend-driver.t ....................
[ 206s] 3: not ok 1 - log output for backend driver creation
I have seen this at least twice but AFAIR only in OBS checks
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: 29-backend-driver.t doesn't fail in OBS checks
- Just add t/29-backend-driver.t to the exclude list in dist/rpm/os-autoinst.spec
Updated by livdywan about 3 years ago
- Subject changed from [sporadic] os-autoinst: 29-backend-driver.t: Failed test 'log output for backend driver creation' to [sporadic] os-autoinst: 29-backend-driver.t: Failed test 'log output for backend driver creation' size:S
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from New to Workable
Updated by kraih about 3 years ago
Updated by AdamWill about 3 years ago
FWIW, I saw this in Fedora package builds a couple of times too.
Updated by AdamWill about 3 years ago
It's not really great to just keep disabling tests every time we hit a bug, of course. It's noticeable that we (both SUSE and Fedora) have had 07-commands.t disabled for two years in package builds for a similar reason:
maybe we should try and figure out what's going on with stderr/stdout capture in the package build environment? Is the capture itself going wrong? Or are unexpected additional messages being output on stderr/stdout that mess with the tests?