coordination #103971
closedcoordination #103962: [saga][epic] Easy multi-machine handling: MM-tests as first-class citizens
[epic] Easy *re*-triggering and cloning of multi-machine tests
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: DONE¹: Multi-machine tests can be retriggered over webUI similar to single-machine tests
- AC2: DONE¹: Multi-machine tests can be retriggered over API similar to single-machine tests
- AC3: DONE: Multi-machine tests can be cloned using CLI tools²
- AC4: DONE³: When cloning multi-machine tests settings can be partially overwritten and customized
¹ I assume "retriggered" means pressing the restart button or using the restart API. That works already for most cases. provides a pending tweak for the only case I can currently think of were restarting wouldn't treat the dependency cluster as expected (and that case isn't strictly related to MM tests).
² I assume "CLI tools" refers to the openqa-clone-job
script which allows cloning jobs from another openQA instance. That is now supported, see #103971#note-13.