action #97973
coordination #97970: [epic] Make consistent atomic approach for test modules
Revisit design with client libyui-rest-api until system role selection
Added by JERiveraMoya over 3 years ago.
Updated over 3 years ago.
Apply changes needed to make more solid and consistent our approach for example picking this time ext4 scenario.
Module selection could be a good candidate to be developed with client libyui-rest-api.
- Description updated (diff)
- Subject changed from Revisit approach for ext4 scenario with client libyui-rest-api to Revisit approach for ext4 scenario with client libyui-rest-api until system role selection
- Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
- Subject changed from Revisit approach for ext4 scenario with client libyui-rest-api until system role selection to Revisit design with client libyui-rest-api until system role selection
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed
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