action #93880
closedos-autoinst "ci extended" CI job fails due to boo#1182451
Observation¶"ci+extended" shows it failing since 2 months already.
It's a bug in Tumbleweed, it's . I think in some project I had at least temporarily applied a workaround to use a Leap image which is likely not necessary anymore. Likely this depends on the container runtime environment. Maybe we need to select a more recent base for GHA?
Expected result¶
-"ci+extended" stable again like in from 2021-04-15
Updated by mkittler over 3 years ago
What jobs were affected? The links in the ticket description only show empty lists. Do you mean the GitHub actions of the "ci extended" workflow (
According to a comment within the BugZilla ticket it works again:
I also see that our regular GitHub actions (just "ci" workflow) are running fine.
Only the ones of the "ci extended" are failing:
(388/543) Installing: system-user-qemu-20170617-21.13.noarch [..error]
Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i] (a): a
Installation of system-user-qemu-20170617-21.13.noarch failed:
Error: Subprocess failed. Error: RPM failed: /usr/bin/busybox addgroup -S -g 107 qemu
addgroup: gid '107' in use
error: %prein(system-user-qemu-20170617-21.13.noarch) scriptlet failed, exit status 1
error: system-user-qemu-20170617-21.13.noarch: install failed
Warning: %posttrans scripts skipped while aborting:
Problem occurred during or after installation or removal of packages:
Installation has been aborted as directed.
Please see the above error message for a hint.
The command '/bin/sh -c zypper in -y -C 'pkgconfig(fftw3)' 'pkgconfig(libpng)' 'pkgconfig(opencv)' 'pkgconfig(sndfile)' 'pkgconfig(theoraenc)' ShellCheck aspell-en aspell-spell cmake cpio gcc-c++ git-core ninja perl-base pkg-config procps python3-black python3-setuptools python3-yamllint qemu qemu-tools qemu-x86 sudo which 'perl(B::Deparse)' 'perl(Benchmark)' 'perl(Carp)' 'perl(Carp::Always)' 'perl(Class::Accessor::Fast)' 'perl(Config)' 'perl(Cpanel::JSON::XS)' 'perl(Crypt::DES)' 'perl(Cwd)' 'perl(Data::Dumper)' 'perl(Devel::Cover)' 'perl(Devel::Cover)' 'perl(Devel::Cover::Report::Codecov)' 'perl(Digest::MD5)' 'perl(DynaLoader)' 'perl(English)' 'perl(Errno)' 'perl(Exception::Class)' 'perl(Exporter)' 'perl(ExtUtils::testlib)' 'perl(Fcntl)' 'perl(File::Basename)' 'perl(File::Find)' 'perl(File::Path)' 'perl(File::Spec)' 'perl(File::Temp)' 'perl(File::Touch)' 'perl(File::Which)' 'perl(FindBin)' 'perl(IO::Handle)' 'perl(IO::Scalar)' 'perl(IO::Select)' 'perl(IO::Socket)' 'perl(IO::Socket::INET)' 'perl(IO::Socket::UNIX)' 'perl(IPC::Open3)' 'perl(IPC::Run::Debug)' 'perl(IPC::System::Simple)' 'perl(Inline::Python)' 'perl(List::MoreUtils)' 'perl(List::Util)' 'perl(Mojo::IOLoop::ReadWriteProcess)' 'perl(Mojo::JSON)' 'perl(Mojo::Log)' 'perl(Mojo::URL)' 'perl(Mojo::UserAgent)' 'perl(Mojolicious)' 'perl(Mojolicious::Lite)' 'perl(Net::DBus)' 'perl(Net::IP)' 'perl(Net::SNMP)' 'perl(Net::SSH2)' 'perl(POSIX)' 'perl(Perl::Critic)' 'perl(Perl::Critic::Freenode)' 'perl(Perl::Critic::Policy)' 'perl(Perl::Critic::Utils)' 'perl(Perl::Tidy)' 'perl(Pod::Coverage)' 'perl(Pod::Html)' 'perl(Pod::Spell)' 'perl(Scalar::Util)' 'perl(Socket)' 'perl(Socket::MsgHdr)' 'perl(Term::ANSIColor)' 'perl(Test::Fatal)' 'perl(Test::Mock::Time)' 'perl(Test::MockModule)' 'perl(Test::MockObject)' 'perl(Test::Mojo)' 'perl(Test::Most)' 'perl(Test::Output)' 'perl(Test::Pod)' 'perl(Test::Strict)' 'perl(Test::Warnings)' 'perl(Thread::Queue)' 'perl(Time::HiRes)' 'perl(Try::Tiny)' 'perl(XML::LibXML)' 'perl(XML::SemanticDiff)' 'perl(YAML::PP)' 'perl(autodie)' 'perl(base)' 'perl(constant)' 'perl(integer)' 'perl(strict)' 'perl(version)' 'perl(warnings)' && zypper clean' returned a non-zero code: 8
Error: Process completed with exit code 8.
Are you sure this is actually related to the BugZilla issue? The error message doesn't look directly related.
Updated by okurz over 3 years ago
mkittler wrote:
What jobs were affected? The links in the ticket description only show empty lists. Do you mean the GitHub actions of the "ci extended" workflow (
Does work?
According to a comment within the BugZilla ticket it works again:
That should always make us suspicious if someone says "it works again" :D
Are you sure this is actually related to the BugZilla issue? The error message doesn't look directly related.
Yes, I am sure. But you can ask in the #opensuse-factory IRC channel, e.g. ping fvogt to confirm.
Updated by dheidler over 3 years ago
- Status changed from Workable to In Progress
- Assignee set to dheidler
Updated by openqa_review over 3 years ago
- Due date set to 2021-06-30
Setting due date based on mean cycle time of SUSE QE Tools
Updated by dheidler over 3 years ago
I can reproduce this even on an to date tumbleweed:
(387/543) Installing: libXft2-2.3.3-1.10.x86_64 [......done]
(388/543) Installing: system-user-qemu-20170617-21.13.noarch [..error]
Installation of system-user-qemu-20170617-21.13.noarch failed:
Error: Subprocess failed. Error: RPM failed: /usr/bin/busybox addgroup -S -g 107 qemu
addgroup: gid '107' in use
error: %prein(system-user-qemu-20170617-21.13.noarch) scriptlet failed, exit status 1
error: system-user-qemu-20170617-21.13.noarch: install failed
Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i] (a): a
Warning: %posttrans scripts skipped while aborting:
Problem occurred during or after installation or removal of packages:
Installation has been aborted as directed.
Please see the above error message for a hint.
Error: error building at STEP "RUN zypper in -y -C 'pkgconfig(fftw3)' 'pkgconfig(libpng)' 'pkgconfig(opencv)' 'pkgconfig(sndfile)' 'pkgconfig(theoraenc)' ShellCheck aspell-en aspell-spell cmake cpio gcc-c++ git-core ninja perl-base pkg-config procps python3-black python3-setuptools python3-yamllint qemu qemu-tools qemu-x86 sudo which 'perl(B::Deparse)' 'perl(Benchmark)' 'perl(Carp)' 'perl(Carp::Always)' 'perl(Class::Accessor::Fast)' 'perl(Config)' 'perl(Cpanel::JSON::XS)' 'perl(Crypt::DES)' 'perl(Cwd)' 'perl(Data::Dumper)' 'perl(Devel::Cover)' 'perl(Devel::Cover)' 'perl(Devel::Cover::Report::Codecov)' 'perl(Digest::MD5)' 'perl(DynaLoader)' 'perl(English)' 'perl(Errno)' 'perl(Exception::Class)' 'perl(Exporter)' 'perl(ExtUtils::testlib)' 'perl(Fcntl)' 'perl(File::Basename)' 'perl(File::Find)' 'perl(File::Path)' 'perl(File::Spec)' 'perl(File::Temp)' 'perl(File::Touch)' 'perl(File::Which)' 'perl(FindBin)' 'perl(IO::Handle)' 'perl(IO::Scalar)' 'perl(IO::Select)' 'perl(IO::Socket)' 'perl(IO::Socket::INET)' 'perl(IO::Socket::UNIX)' 'perl(IPC::Open3)' 'perl(IPC::Run::Debug)' 'perl(IPC::System::Simple)' 'perl(Inline::Python)' 'perl(List::MoreUtils)' 'perl(List::Util)' 'perl(Mojo::IOLoop::ReadWriteProcess)' 'perl(Mojo::JSON)' 'perl(Mojo::Log)' 'perl(Mojo::URL)' 'perl(Mojo::UserAgent)' 'perl(Mojolicious)' 'perl(Mojolicious::Lite)' 'perl(Net::DBus)' 'perl(Net::IP)' 'perl(Net::SNMP)' 'perl(Net::SSH2)' 'perl(POSIX)' 'perl(Perl::Critic)' 'perl(Perl::Critic::Freenode)' 'perl(Perl::Critic::Policy)' 'perl(Perl::Critic::Utils)' 'perl(Perl::Tidy)' 'perl(Pod::Coverage)' 'perl(Pod::Html)' 'perl(Pod::Spell)' 'perl(Scalar::Util)' 'perl(Socket)' 'perl(Socket::MsgHdr)' 'perl(Term::ANSIColor)' 'perl(Test::Fatal)' 'perl(Test::Mock::Time)' 'perl(Test::MockModule)' 'perl(Test::MockObject)' 'perl(Test::Mojo)' 'perl(Test::Most)' 'perl(Test::Output)' 'perl(Test::Pod)' 'perl(Test::Strict)' 'perl(Test::Warnings)' 'perl(Thread::Queue)' 'perl(Time::HiRes)' 'perl(Try::Tiny)' 'perl(XML::LibXML)' 'perl(XML::SemanticDiff)' 'perl(YAML::PP)' 'perl(autodie)' 'perl(base)' 'perl(constant)' 'perl(integer)' 'perl(strict)' 'perl(version)' 'perl(warnings)' && zypper clean": error while running runtime: exit status 8
Updated by dheidler over 3 years ago
I wasn't able to reproduce the problem in a local ubuntu 20.04.2 vm - which is the same os as github uses for their actions.
EDIT: ah - maybe I tested the wrong container.
Updated by dheidler over 3 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
Updated by dheidler over 3 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved