action #924
closedaction #421: Release Marketing
translate social media messages
call for translators for the social media messages
action #421: Release Marketing
Added by lnussel over 11 years ago. Updated about 11 years ago.
call for translators for the social media messages
Translator should only begin to work when the social media messages in English are finish and revised. It is specially important that the links to contents related with the Release are the right ones.
Max, Jos seem to have a person that can coordinates translators. Please ask him.
I'll ping her soon and see what she would like offer to help translation work, may make a plan to coordinate this work.
chatted with Marguerite, her idea not related to social media message itself, but about the guide(a model) of release marketing for local community, ie., a guide explained what translators(ie. local community) can to offer help out in release period. she will finished it and Jos agree he will review it.
Did you pinged Ambassadors already, for translations? Do you plan to? Is it a good idea?
that'd be :)
already pinged them on opensuse-translation-*@o.o and opensuse-m17n@o.o, all active translators are subscribed those mailing list, so they shall already known. BTW although most of translators is ambassador as well, but not every ambassador like to do translation work, so my mail is go to translators mailing list instead of each ambassador mailbox.
ping translators done
Update on the status of sent to internal mailing list. Only German Twitter and Portuguese G+ translations missing right now.