tickets #89575 is overrun with spam and needs to be killed
The Jitsi Meet room has become overrun with spam
and needs to be killed. Please reset the server and lock it down to
require openSUSE logins to use the service temporarily.
Neal Gompa (ID: Pharaoh_Atem)
Updated by hellcp almost 4 years ago
- Category set to Jitsi/ Meet
- Private changed from Yes to No
Updated by mrey almost 4 years ago
Please note that anyone that knows the URL to the room is able to join, unless the lobby mode is activated. I'd recommend to use a longer, string than "bar" that additionally isn't easy to guess. Alternatively, you could enable the lobby mode and manually let people in.
Updated by almost 4 years ago
Op dinsdag 9 maart 2021 19:01:37 CET schreef
[openSUSE Tracker]
Issue #89575 has been updated by mrey.Please note that anyone that knows the URL to the room is able to join,
unless the lobby mode is activated. I'd recommend to use a longer, string
than "bar" that additionally isn't easy to guess. Alternatively, you could
enable the lobby mode and manually let people in.
I too would prefer this to be behind the login system.
Gertjan Lettink a.k.a. Knurpht
openSUSE Board
openSUSE Forums Team
Updated by cboltz almost 4 years ago wrote:
I too would prefer this to be behind the login system.
I disagree.
For example, I've recommended meet.o.o for users who don't have an openSUSE account. One example was on the german ML - someone asked for a video conference platform that can handle ~20 poeple, and it later turned out that the person who asked is a teacher who needs something[tm] working for teaching. I'm quite sure not all pupils have an openSUSE account, therefore we'd break that usecase, and give a bad impression to those pupils if they suddenly need an account.
Besides that - I checked meet.o.o/bar several times in the last days, and always was the only person there. No other humans, and also no spammer.
Anyway - maybe we could have something like "login with your openSUSE account to get admin permissions in a room"? For privacy reasons, this should only work for rooms you can join. It should not allow to join password-proteced rooms if you don't have the password.
(Disclaimer: I have no idea if this is possible and/or how much work it would be ;-)
Updated by crameleon about 2 years ago
- The server is not currently "overrun"
- I think we agreed on not wanting to lock down the instance
--> can this ticket be closed?