action #73246
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee set to okurz
- Priority changed from Urgent to High
- Target version set to Ready
I stopped the alert for the memory usage alert and will try to find who might help us here.
- Due date set to 2020-10-23
- Status changed from In Progress to Blocked
- Related to action #73405: job incompletes with "(?s)openqaworker8.*terminated prematurely.*OpenCV Error: Insufficient memory" added
- Status changed from Blocked to In Progress
have created to reduce the number of worker instances.
EDIT: Looking in the audit log if I could identify who could have added or extended the test schedule or increased the memory usage a lot. Also asked a person in who might have done that as I could not easily identify who just changed job templates and/or who changed actually something about the scenario "qam-sles4sap_hana".
Merged the above MR. As currently the CI pipeline does not trigger after merge I need to do that manually:
ssh osd
cd /srv/pillar/
git pull --rebase origin master
salt -l error --state-output=changes 'openqaworker[89]*' state.apply test=True
salt -l error --state-output=changes 'openqaworker[89]*' state.apply
salt -l error --state-output=changes 'openqaworker[89]*' 'systemctl disable --now openqa-worker@{21..24}; systemctl mask openqa-worker@{21..24}'
EDIT: gladly jadamek has responded and pulled me into where we also try to address the question.
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- Related to action #90857: Add redundancy for SAP multi machines tests - Extend openQA worker config to accomodate for upgraded RAM added
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