action #71896
closed[y] Expert partitioning framework refactoring
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As we are expanding and adding new subroutines in the framework we need to consider some refactoring to avoid duplication and make it more usable.
Things to refactor:
- _set_partitioning subroutine
- this does not work for all the partitioning options
- _encrypt_with_lvm subroutine
- The encryption should work for a higher level for all the Pages that implement encryption
- select_item_in_system_view_table subroutine
- replace if-else with state design or find another solution.
- Consider expansion?
- naming of the Pages
- The pages use the name of the page that they access but it is hard to tell if which proposal(current or suggested) comes from
Let start with small things because more can come up but design is something that need to be always a task in progress but we cant cover everything.