action #6990
Added by oholecek almost 10 years ago.
Updated almost 10 years ago.
Feature requests
We use --freeze-whitespace (-fws) as perltidy option, this however leads to inconsistencies in various calls. It's all eye candy, I get it.
I propose to use '-baao -bbao' these adds spaces after and before operators. '-nsfs' removes spaces around semicolons and '-pt=2' which removes spaces after ( and before ). We already try to strive to these, but they are not enforced by tidy.
Another question is if we want to limit line length, eg. '-l=120' for line length of 120 chars. Can help with github reviews, these are pita in case of long lines.
use constant {
- NONE => 'none',
- PASSED => 'passed',
- FAILED => 'failed',
- INCOMPLETE => 'incomplete', # worker died or reported some problem
- SKIPPED => 'skipped', # dependencies failed before starting this job
- OBSOLETED => 'obsoleted', # new iso was posted
- PARALLEL_FAILED => 'parallel_failed', # parallel job failed, this job can't continue
- PARALLEL_RESTARTED => 'parallel_restarted', # parallel job was restarted, this job has to be restarted too
- USER_CANCELLED => 'user_cancelled', # cancelled by user via job_cancel
- USER_RESTARTED => 'user_restarted', # restarted by user via job_restart
- NONE => 'none',
- PASSED => 'passed',
- FAILED => 'failed',
- INCOMPLETE => 'incomplete', # worker died or reported some problem
- SKIPPED => 'skipped', # dependencies failed before starting this job
- OBSOLETED => 'obsoleted', # new iso was posted
- 'parallel_failed', # parallel job failed, this job can't continue
- PARALLEL_RESTARTED => 'parallel_restarted'
- , # parallel job was restarted, this job has to be restarted too
- USER_CANCELLED => 'user_cancelled', # cancelled by user via job_cancel
- USER_RESTARTED => 'user_restarted', # restarted by user via job_restart
yeah, that does not seem pretty. So 120 chars is too low, or just skip the line length limit altogether.
Btw. quick Google search revealed that Github review area is 113-126 chars wide, depending on browser.
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee set to oholecek
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
- % Done changed from 0 to 50
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- % Done changed from 50 to 100
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