action #69319
opencoordination #102906: [saga][epic] Increased stability of tests with less "known failures", known incompletes handled automatically within openQA
coordination #102912: [epic] Simplify investigation of job failures - 2nd
Surface relevant versions used by job worker
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
The web UI exposes its version in the form of the Changelog in the user menu (above the Logout button). Finding out what versions a worker, and perhaps more specifically a job uses, is more involved:
- Check
- for
Current version is:
- for
git hash in ... tests:
- for
git hash in ... needles:
- for
qemu version detected
- for
- Bonus: Find the "last good" to compare to the failure in question
There is also #69088 about packages more generically.
Updated by okurz about 4 years ago
- Category set to Feature requests
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
- Target version set to Ready
- Parent task set to #19720
Thanks for the ticket. Should be feasible to achieve. As the information is already available to users of the API/UI unlike other information in parent #19720 I consider these is higher importance than this ticket for now though.
Updated by okurz about 4 years ago
- Tags changed from caching, openQA, sporadic, arm, ipmi, worker to worker