action #67462
closedppc64le jobs on o3 are slow due unintended VIRTIO_CONSOLE=0 setup (many ltp tests ppc64le are running more than 5 hours since TW 20200520 snapshot)
Many ltp tests ppc64le are running more than 5 hours since TW 20200520 snapshot
There was normal timing before 20200517 => from 38mn01 to >6h => from 2mn46 to 5h18 => from 24mn37 to 5h31 => from 25mn19 to >6h => from 10mn15 to >6h
openQA test in scenario opensuse-Tumbleweed-DVD-ppc64le-ltp_net_stress_ipsec_udp@ppc64le fails in
Test suite description¶
Fails since (at least) Build 20200528 (current job)
Expected result¶
Last good: 20200517 (or more recent)
Further details¶
Always latest result in this scenario: latest
Updated by michel_mno almost 5 years ago
- work on one of failing test, ltp_net_stress_ipsec_udp: => from 38mn01 to >6h
- retrieve associated autoinst-log.txt as attached ./ltp_net_stress_ipsec_udp_autoinst.log
- The extracted lines show that the 301s of the "udp4_ipsec02" module
is mainly elapsed in two calls:
- wait_serial => 04:43:58.944 to 04:47:11.127 => 192s 3mn12
- wait_serial => 04:47:15.195 to 04:48:46.344 => 91s 1mn31
- so timing issue in called & vmstat calls for this module.
Seems that all longer tests are network related.
Probably not kernel related problem, because same 5.6.12-1-Default
for TW 20200517 that passed and 20200520 that failed:
Is it a problem on infra of Power8 hosts ?
How to execute one of them locally (outside openQA) ?
=== extract of ./ltp_net_stress_ipsec_udp_autoinst.log
[2020-05-28T04:43:45.220 UTC] [debug] ||| starting udp4_ipsec02 tests/kernel/
[2020-05-28T04:43:45.228 UTC] [debug] tests/kernel/ called testapi::type_string
[2020-05-28T04:43:45.228 UTC] [debug] <<< testapi::type_string(string="( -p ah -m transport -s 100:1000:65483:R65483; echo \"### TEST udp4_ipsec02 COMPLETE >>> \$?\") | tee /dev/hvc0\n", max_interval=250, wait_screen_changes=0, wait_still_screen=0, timeout=30, similarity_level=47)
[2020-05-28T04:43:58.943 UTC] [debug] tests/kernel/ called testapi::wait_serial
[2020-05-28T04:43:58.944 UTC] [debug] <<< testapi::wait_serial(buffer_size=undef, regexp=qr/### TEST udp4_ipsec02 COMPLETE >>> \d+/u, timeout=900, quiet=undef, record_output=1, expect_not_found=0, no_regex=0)
[2020-05-28T04:47:11.127 UTC] [debug] >>> testapi::wait_serial: (?^u:### TEST udp4_ipsec02 COMPLETE >>> \d+): ok
[2020-05-28T04:47:11.128 UTC] [debug] tests/kernel/ called testapi::script_run
[2020-05-28T04:47:11.128 UTC] [debug] <<< testapi::script_run(cmd="vmstat -w", quiet=undef, output="", timeout=undef)
[2020-05-28T04:47:11.128 UTC] [debug] tests/kernel/ called testapi::script_run
[2020-05-28T04:47:11.129 UTC] [debug] <<< testapi::type_string(string="vmstat -w", max_interval=250, wait_screen_changes=0, wait_still_screen=0, timeout=30, similarity_level=47)
[2020-05-28T04:47:12.032 UTC] [debug] tests/kernel/ called testapi::script_run
[2020-05-28T04:47:12.032 UTC] [debug] <<< testapi::type_string(string="; echo kQ8Ut-\$?- > /dev/hvc0\n", max_interval=250, wait_screen_changes=0, wait_still_screen=0, timeout=30, similarity_level=47)
[2020-05-28T04:47:15.195 UTC] [debug] tests/kernel/ called testapi::script_run
[2020-05-28T04:47:15.195 UTC] [debug] <<< testapi::wait_serial(buffer_size=undef, regexp=qr/kQ8Ut-\d+-/, timeout=30, quiet=undef, record_output=undef, no_regex=0, expect_not_found=0)
[2020-05-28T04:48:46.344 UTC] [debug] >>> testapi::wait_serial: (?^:kQ8Ut-\d+-): fail
[2020-05-28T04:48:46.347 UTC] [debug] ||| finished udp4_ipsec02 kernel at 2020-05-28 04:48:46 (301 s)
Updated by pvorel over 4 years ago
There is VIRTIO_CONSOLE=0, no surprise for that slow down. Looking for where it's set (not in test suite nor in machine).
Updated by pvorel over 4 years ago
- Assignee set to pvorel
- Target version set to 445
Updated by pvorel over 4 years ago
- Subject changed from many ltp tests ppc64le are running more than 5 hours since TW 20200520 snapshot to ppc64le jobs on o3 are slow due unintended VIRTIO_CONSOLE=0 setup (many ltp tests ppc64le are running more than 5 hours since TW 20200520 snapshot)
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Updated by pvorel over 4 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
- Priority changed from High to Normal
Fixed by jpupava. It was in medium types.
Updated by dzedro over 4 years ago
I forgot to remove it. Added it there while fixing ppc64le failures [1] after changing console tests to use virtio_console
Updated by pvorel over 4 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
@dzedro: thanks for explanation
New build is using virtio console, running only 11 min instead of 28 min (3x speedup).
LTP tests will get fixed by this, closing.
Updated by pcervinka over 4 years ago
- Target version changed from 457 to QE Kernel Done