tickets #6176
closedproposal - remove ipv6 address from
Due to mirrorbrain being unable to deal with IPv6 when choosing a mirror, I
propose we remove the IPv6 DNS record for ''. It really
does more harm than good.
An IPv6 client using is directed to all corners of the
earth. This can be averted by amending e.g. /etc/hosts locally, but surely it
would be better to just unpublish the IPv6 address until mirrorbrain can support
IPv6 properly.
Yes, this will cause issues for IPv6-only clients, but they are already in
trouble because many mirrors don't have IPv6 addresses (something mirrorbrain
also does not seem to deal with).
Per Jessen
Updated by Anonymous about 10 years ago
mirrorbrain can handle ipv6 and we have that running since years. I am not saying that IPv6 support couldnt be improved.
Updated by pjessen about 10 years ago
Unpublishing the address would actually bring immediate improvement of the IPv6 support. Instead of being directed to arbitrary mirrors
around the world, IPv6 users would get the same service we give to IPv4-only users.
Updated by Anonymous about 10 years ago
- Category set to Mirrors
- Assignee set to Anonymous
Updated by pjessen almost 10 years ago
Updated by pjessen over 9 years ago
Accessing over IPv6 remains an issue. I guess we're running short on man-power? If anyone can point me in right direction, I'll be happy to help out with this.
Updated by pjessen almost 9 years ago
Perhaps obvious, but this also affects packaging - I've just spent about 10mins waiting for a 5Mb package (gcc5-32bit-5.3.1+r234891-1.20.x86_64.rpm) for the local build system to be retrieved from a remote mirror in Asia. Other 5Mb packages (cpp5-5.3.1+r234891-1.20.x86_64.rpm, libstdc++6-devel-gcc5-5.3.1+r234891-1.20.x86_64.rpm) were retrieved in seconds.
I don't understand why we can't make this tiny zone file change and bring immediate improvement for people on IPv6 accessing
Updated by Anonymous almost 9 years ago
and what do we do with users who are in IPv6 only countries/providers?
Updated by pjessen almost 9 years ago
We don't need to do anything. is also IPv4-only, is IPv4-only. Neither seems to cause any access problems. It is reasonable to assume that an IPv6-only provider will have a NAT64 gateway.
Updated by cboltz about 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Since a few days, things should be much better, see :-)