Hi there again, right now as I write these lines,
situation from within germany, two major incumbent DSL and Cable ISPs of
From both of these networks currently a zypper ref for opensuse 15.1
does refresh seemingly eternally. Eventually finished after maybe
15minutes for the update repo.
browsing from those same two disjunct opensuse 15.1 systems with the
firefox on those opensuse 15.1 systems to
browses switftly, also other paths I tried.
but when going (as the zypper process involved would do too I guess) for
those .mirrorlist files in that directory, no matter which, even the one
for the smallest objects, never actually loads the mirror brain page
about the mirror servers and file details, hash sums etc.
the current timestamp of those files according what I currently see is:
12-Jul-2019 16:05
all of them.
Something just has to be wrong with the mirror brain every now and then.
I guess its not the line or overloaded capacity connection wise. Maybe
some memory leak or some overflowing logs or whatever.
On 19.06.2019 17:34, admin@opensuse.org wrote:
[openSUSE Tracker]
Issue #53333 has been updated by pjessen.
andi@abittner.de wrote:
Hello openSuse team,
seems to be mitigate right now or serving quickly, but there is for
example still a file or two that only have exactly one mirror (.cz)
listed, while all the other files inside that repo main directory have
tens of mirrors all over the world listed.
Which ons is it? we are having some issues with mirrorbrain, but I don't think it should affect mirror selection.
Also when I mailed the original mail, a zyper ref would also give me red
error messages that some repos were unable to refresh and similar.
I think I saw that too at some point.
So thats why I was writing and wondering if the main server would maybe
again have issues similar to june 15th 2019
Yes, those are still ongoing - we are working on it.
tickets #53333: mirrorbrain on select files (e.g. .mirrorlist) very slow or barely responding?
- Author: andi@abittner.de
- Status: Feedback
- Priority: Normal
- Assignee: pjessen
- Category: mirrors
* Target version: ¶
Hi there,
according to status.opensuse.org I see there had been an mirrorbrain
download.opensuse.org incident some days ago, but claiming to be fixed.
Right now, I am very quickly browsing
for example:
but very slowly responding or barely serving at all e.g.
tiny files though.
Also I seem to get only ipv6 (my host has public ipv6 and ipv4) mirrors
or replies.
andreas bittner