action #52532
closedHarmonisation for team text messaging communication structure
Too many IRC+Rocket.Chat channels!!!1
We have #opensuse-factory as the official "openQA chat" channel, then #testing (IRC), #qa-tools (IRC), #openqa-dev (RC), #openqa (RC), #testing (RC) as well as fallback channels such as #suse, #suse (RC)
The topic to reduce some of the channels had been already discussed e.g. within #openqa-dev (RC)
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: bot is removed from #qa-tools
- AC2: team sees no necessity to stay in #qa-tools
- AC3: Team members can use a single client to access both the primary team channel as well as IRC channels
- There is a rocketchat-irc bridge solution (okurz has that, not perfect, personal instance, could have some limitations, e.g. I think messages that I write myself from RC are not mirrored in IRC so I try to avoid that :))
- coolo proposed: "if that [rocketchat-irc bridge] works, can we close qa-tools on in favor of #openqa and #openqa-dev? I find 3 channels a little hard for just one topic
- use #openqa-dev (RC) for the team to focus dev talk from support (invite-only)
- #testing (RC) could be enough as a support channel with #testing (IRC) and #suse (RC) and #suse (IRC) as fallback, e.g. for people not involved in QA to ask
- AGREED: close #openqa (RC), never had real traffic
- close #qa-tools (IRC)
Updated by okurz over 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Assignee set to okurz
We decided in the QA tools meeting 2019-06-04 that we do not need to care about #openqa (RC) (I personally left it). We should be in #testing (RC) to stand ready for support. We prefer to close #qa-tools (IRC) but probably we should find a new place for qabot. To be discussed again in one of the next team meetings, e.g. next week.
Updated by okurz over 5 years ago
[18/06/2019 14:35:44] <okurz> btw, who knows where "qabot" is running, and could we move her to e.g. the #testing IRC channel and leave here? unless someone wants to investigate into rocket chat bot replacement options
[18/06/2019 15:10:58] <foursixnine> okurz: qabot is running on thincsus
[18/06/2019 15:11:56] <foursixnine> there are already few bots running for rocket chat, so we don't need to reinvent the wheel :) scc has one and I'm sure other teams have one aswell
[18/06/2019 16:03:36] <okurz> @szarate do you know who is the admin for thincsus?
[18/06/2019 16:03:54] <okurz> @szarate scratch that, stupid question. `last` should be the answer :)
[18/06/2019 16:04:05] <szarate> @okurz some random guy called foursixnine used to own that machine
[18/06/2019 16:04:34] <szarate> but atm it should be possible for you to log in, it belongs to the tools team
[18/06/2019 16:04:49] <szarate> just treat it carefully, as it is where the staging instances for the team are
Updated by okurz over 5 years ago
how about we move the bot to an IRC channel on freenode and close the internal one as the bot is (probably) relaying public information only anyway.
Updated by okurz almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Workable
- Assignee deleted (
okurz) - Priority changed from Normal to Low
- Target version changed from Current Sprint to future
so I don't think I need to do anything more, anyone can but also less urgent now with first parts settled.
Updated by okurz over 4 years ago
Users expect openQA related help in the channel which we decided should be closed. Well, seems like the channel is back to life. The suggestion was made to implement an automatic redirect so we could point to another channel. Reported as but nobody seems to be aware of that possibility and I can not find any reference in docs or API either. I guess that is not possible.
Updated by okurz over 4 years ago
- Status changed from Workable to Resolved
- Assignee set to okurz
- Target version changed from future to Ready
AC1+AC2 are covered but we could not really cover AC3 unfortunately. Still, the majority of the team is available in both RC+IRC so it works oka-ish
Updated by okurz almost 4 years ago
After many months rsimai was coming to rescue in . I wrote a final message in the #openqa rocket chat channel and pointed users to #testing, then rsimai set the channel to read-only, problem solved :)