action #47198
closed[qam][yellow] sshd test modules takes too long - negative impact on staging tests
#46682#note-4 and #47192 . sshd takes for example 390s which I assume to be quite longer than usual e.g. some months ago. This time should go down. We could e.g. split the test module and only schedule parts of it in the simple sshd test or optimize steps that are taking too long.
Updated by okurz about 6 years ago
- Copied from coordination #47192: [sle][functional][y][epic] some openQA tests in staging take more than 50 minutes added
Updated by okurz almost 6 years ago
- Copied from deleted (coordination #47192: [sle][functional][y][epic] some openQA tests in staging take more than 50 minutes)
Updated by okurz almost 6 years ago
- Related to coordination #47192: [sle][functional][y][epic] some openQA tests in staging take more than 50 minutes added
Updated by okurz almost 6 years ago
- Related to deleted (coordination #47192: [sle][functional][y][epic] some openQA tests in staging take more than 50 minutes)
Updated by okurz almost 6 years ago
- Blocks coordination #47192: [sle][functional][y][epic] some openQA tests in staging take more than 50 minutes added
Updated by pdostal almost 6 years ago
Hello @okurz I'm not able to find in which scenario(s) this test takes more than 120s. I don't consider this test as a complicated one either. There's just the part with virtIO /because of interactive mode/ - but this has a fallback and doesn't have negative impact on performance. There's also one key-pair generated during the test but this takes usually just few seconds. Can you give me some practical examples I can work on?
Updated by pdostal almost 6 years ago
- Subject changed from [qam] sshd test modules takes too long - negative impact on staging tests to [qam][yellow] sshd test modules takes too long - negative impact on staging tests
Updated by pdostal almost 6 years ago
I recently implemented also remote port forwarding so now both ways of port forwarding are tested and I think the pull request can be merged soon.
Updated by riafarov over 5 years ago
- Blocks deleted (coordination #47192: [sle][functional][y][epic] some openQA tests in staging take more than 50 minutes)
Updated by pdostal over 5 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
The parent issue was already closed and I don’t see any issues either.