action #43580
closedThe RT product can be tested by release managers or developers before full SLE validation
[08/11/2018 09:04:36] <okurz> riafarov, oorlov: regarding the RT bug about devel_basis and such, would be great if Jeffrey could have tested in before. I don't see why we need to do the rather trivial check of "does it even resolve dependencies". WDYT?
[08/11/2018 10:06:05] <riafarov> okurz: sure, if we could improve the process there it would be great. As of now I believe we played it safe as we haven't planned to dedicate whole sprint to RT before getting blocked
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: changes in the package 000product can be tested before a submit request is accepted into any staging project
- Can media be created locally by devs e.g. using something like "mksusecd"? See
- Research how media can be created e.g. in development or home projects, how other release managers test something before "complete build validation"
- Document somewhere or reference existing documentation how changes in the package 000product can be tested before a submit request is accepted into any staging project
- Optional: Provide helper scripts to ease the job
Updated by okurz over 6 years ago
- Copied from action #43373: [sle][functional][y] Add installation test scenario for RT product added
Updated by okurz about 6 years ago
talked shundhammer today and he confirmed that "mksusecd" or "mkdud" is the way to go
Updated by okurz about 6 years ago
As we learned with release managers we seem to run around in circles a bit, multiple project managers just pointing to each other until we reach the beginning ;)
One possibility mentioned was setting up staging tests for RT even though not the only choice. As a reference mentions the openQA tests we have for "build validation" on SLE15SP1, e.g.
coolo wants to handle it.
Updated by coolo about 6 years ago
I added rt-product to staging:a - but ADDURL is miscalculated:
Updated by okurz about 6 years ago
- Estimated time deleted (
5.00 h)
The wrong selection of modules is coming from the variable definition for WORKAROUND_MODULES on all staging media on which is most likely only valid for SLES, not other SLE products.
@coolo I suggest to remove the scenario again from staging project(s) until we have clarified the value and effort. As this ticket here was originally – and should still be – about "How can the RM of RT test his own changes" I am separating the "add staging project" into #44393
Updated by okurz about 6 years ago
- Due date set to 2019-02-12
pre-fill last sprint in M22 with all tickets within milestone not yet assigned to sprints
Updated by okurz about 6 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from New to Workable
Updated by riafarov about 6 years ago
- Due date deleted (
Again, is it well communicated with Jeffrey. From the ticket I see two of us have came up with something. I personally have no interest in driving and establishing full release cycle for the RT, but rather support RM if there is any request.
Also, seems to duplicate #44393 partly.
Updated by okurz about 6 years ago
- Target version changed from Milestone 22 to future
riafarov wrote:
Again, is it well communicated with Jeffrey. From the ticket I see two of us have came up with something. I personally have no interest in driving and establishing full release cycle for the RT, but rather support RM if there is any request.
Well, sure, let's do this. I see we with our QA view can provide the best value by helping development setting up a product development chain including automated tests when we already have expertise in this area. But why did you move it out of the sprint then? So I move it to "future" and we can clarify this first and then plan accordingly.
Also, seems to duplicate #44393 partly.
No, it's not. You can read #44393 which I cloned it from. Because our initial idea was turned into "We just need a staging test" which is not covering all.
Updated by riafarov over 4 years ago
- Subject changed from [sle][functional][y] The RT product can be tested by release managers or developers before full SLE validation to The RT product can be tested by release managers or developers before full SLE validation