action #40580
closedRun openQA travis tests against upgraded CPAN dependencies
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Currently we run travis tests within the dependencies in the Docker image.
To ease catch bugs from modules we depend on, we should run the same tests against an image which has the dependencies upgraded with cpanm ( it should be sufficient to set INSTALL_FROM_CPAN=1 when calling 'make docker-test' )
Updated by okurz over 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee set to andriinikitin
I guess with our current implementation of automatically updating dependencies by a bot and conducting the tests in an actual PR we reached the goal mentioned here well enough, thanks to andriinikitin
Updated by okurz about 4 years ago
- Related to action #73309: every time a direct dependency is updated in Factory our CI jobs fail until the package is updated added