



action #34393


[opensuse] Create a resized copy of the .iso images for USB boot tests

Added by favogt about 6 years ago. Updated almost 3 years ago.

Enhancement to existing tests
Target version:
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Live media built with kiwi tries to use persistency by adding a partition for the free space on the disk.

Currently the live media tests don't resize the .iso image, which means there is no free space and kiwi falls back to using a ramdisk instead.

Actions #1

Updated by okurz about 6 years ago

  • Subject changed from Create a resized copy of the .iso images for USB boot tests to [opensuse] Create a resized copy of the .iso images for USB boot tests

I don't understand what your intentions are with this ticket. How is this related to openQA tests?

Actions #2

Updated by favogt almost 5 years ago

okurz wrote:

I don't understand what your intentions are with this ticket. How is this related to openQA tests?

For USB live boots, openQA should set up the boot medium differently and allocate free space at the end to e.g. emulate a 4GiB drive.
Not only will this fix most memory related issues with live tests, this also means that the code for persistence is tested.

Actions #3

Updated by okurz almost 5 years ago

yes, I also read your comment in the bug. Just to make sure to set expectations right: This ticket is marked as "[opensuse]" so either an external openSUSE enthusiast is picking up this ticket (unlikely) or me or you (more likely). If you think it would suit the work backlog of one of SUSE's QA teams then you can ask them, e.g. add corresponding PO's – in this case most likely "mgriessmeier" for QSF-u – or change the subject from "[opensuse]" to "[functional][u]". However as this is an "openSUSE specific" issue this is also unlikely to turn out positive :)

Actions #4

Updated by okurz almost 3 years ago

  • Priority changed from Normal to Low

This ticket was set to "Normal" priority but was not updated within 730 days which is 2 times the period of the SLO for "Normal" tickets (365 days) as described on . The ticket will be set to the next lower priority of "Low".


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