action #28385
closed"worker status timer calculation" sometimes fails, not sure why
I've just tried building current git openQA four times for Fedora. On the first run, all the tests passed, but the build failed because I had forgotten to add the resource-allocator service files to the %files spec section. After fixing that, I tried building it three more times, but each time, the build failed because one of the large number of checks run in the "worker status timer calculation" subtest in 24-worker.t failed, always the same one:
not ok 229 - timer between instances 30 and 200 is different in a population of 270 ( 36 != 36 )
on the build where the tests passed, this was the result for that check:
ok 229 - timer between instances 30 and 200 is different in a population of 270 ( 38 != 36 )
I have no idea what could possibly be causing the problem (or what the hell this test is even checking, since as is traditional for openQA, the entire very complex test has about three comments in it and does not make what it's doing clear at all.)