



action #28294


[sle][functional][infrastructure] Amount of svirt-based tests

Added by mgriessmeier over 7 years ago. Updated about 7 years ago.

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What I experienced during the last few builds was that around 40 jobs are taking really long to finish for one build which causes confusion to some people, i.e. release-managers
After some investigation I found out that those jobs are mainly svirt-based tests.

So I'm coming up with two questions here:

  1. Could we increase our resources to run those tests?
  2. Could we decrease the amount of those tests to avoid this confusion

@mnowak: your opinion?

Actions #1

Updated by michalnowak over 7 years ago

Wrt (1) I filed ticket to increase amount of svirt-bound workers from 2 -> 4 openqa/salt-pillars-openqa!63. I am happy to increase them even more, but it's not clear to me which workers to pick.

Wrt (2) We have around 15 non-zkvm svirt test suites in SLE:Functional, 4 of them should be rather short ones (media checks and so). Which is not that much, but it's multiplied by 4 because of different architectures (Xen PV & HVM, Hyper-V with BIOS and with UEFI), which differ significantly.

Actions #2

Updated by michalnowak over 7 years ago

About the Hyper-V host: it's rather slow system, especially the disk. Which makes the tests to run for a longer time than we are used to, but it should survive 2-3 VMs in parallel.

I requested a new host but that's for the next FY planning as I understood. We even have a ticket for this from the past but it never got anywhere.

Actions #4

Updated by okurz over 7 years ago

  • Target version set to Milestone 14

I guess we can survive into the next year and then revisit

Actions #5

Updated by michalnowak over 7 years ago

Actions #6

Updated by okurz about 7 years ago

  • Due date set to 2018-03-13
Actions #7

Updated by riafarov about 7 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
  • Assignee set to mgriessmeier

@msgriessmeier, could you please check if anything still has to be addressed here or @mnowak has done the job already? If not, please, make workable.

Actions #8

Updated by mgriessmeier about 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved

riafarov wrote:

@msgriessmeier, could you please check if anything still has to be addressed here or @mnowak has done the job already? If not, please, make workable.

from the feeling I've got over the last few builds, I can say that hyperv tests seems to finish faster now since we have more workers.

Actions #9

Updated by okurz about 7 years ago

agreed, thank you all for your contributions.


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