action #25532
Combine z-push and owncloud vHosts
Added by flacco over 7 years ago.
Updated almost 7 years ago.
A lot of possible recipients of an owncloud share-link are behind of a proxy server. The most proxy servers block the access to ports different from the standard http(s) ports 80 and 443.
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- % Done changed from 0 to 50
I added the ownCloud apache configuration to the z-push vHost. In cases we have this vHost activated (with kopano Groupware for example), we ship ownCloud over this vHost.
It's not tested yet.
Can you briefly explain what the problem with ownCloud is here? The share links are also going via the standard ports, no? What do I overlook? Thanks :-)
It is not a "ownCloud" problem, it is a problem with our default apache configuration. We run the different applications (our portal, z-push, webapp, owncloud...) on different ports. It is "historisch gewachsen" ;-) We will change this to use the default ports (80, 443) in future.
- % Done changed from 50 to 80
invis servers apache vhost setup is renewed, now we have to test it.
- % Done changed from 80 to 90
First invis-servers with the new vHost setup are in productive use. Everything looks good.
- Project changed from invis-server to invisAD-setup
- Category deleted (
- Target version deleted (
- Target version set to 13.1
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 90 to 100
I close this ticket. For the future we have to have a closer look at our apache setup.
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