action #23408
closedcoordination #20944: [sle][functional][epic] Get rid of architecture specific test suites
[sle][functional]Use single test suite for create_hdd_textmode on all architectures
acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: There should be only one testsuite "create_hdd_textmode", not variants with a architecture specific suffix
- AC2: There should also be only one "extra_tests_in_textmode" because the duplication with the architecture specific suffix was only necessary because of differing "create_hdd_gnome"
- Review why we need a bigger HDD size for the ppc64le variant. I think it was made special for ppc6le because of the snapper_cleanup test module added by dgutu which does not seem to be that stable anyway. (0.2-4h)
- If the big HDD size for ppc64le is necessary, apply the same settings special for ppc64le to the other archs if it does not harm, e.g. if it's just about a bigger HDD size (2h-4h)
- Alternative: Keep the special ppc64le job with a good test suite description. Just specify "START_AFTER_TEST=create_hdd_textmode,create_hdd_textmode_ppc" in "extra_tests_filesystem" so that at least we don't duplicate the extra tests testsuite (0.5-1h)
further details¶
We have create_hdd_textmode and specific test suite for power create_hdd_textmode_ppc
Test suite for power additionally has TOGGLEHOME=1 and HDDSIZEGB=30 instead of 20 for main job.
We need to identify why there are these differences, and make it work with single test suite. Some options can be set in the test itself, if required.
Updated by okurz over 7 years ago
- Subject changed from Use single test suite for create_hdd_textmode on all architectures to [sle][functional]Use single test suite for create_hdd_textmode on all architectures
Updated by riafarov over 7 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
- Due date set to 2017-11-08
- Category changed from Infrastructure to Enhancement to existing tests
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Added to next sprint as discussed with okurz (SM, acting PO)
Updated by SLindoMansilla over 7 years ago
- Related to action #19566: [sle][functional]New test scenario: minimal+proxy_SCC-postreg_suseconnect_scc added
Updated by Anonymous over 7 years ago
- Related to deleted (action #19566: [sle][functional]New test scenario: minimal+proxy_SCC-postreg_suseconnect_scc)
Updated by riafarov over 7 years ago
Original test suite create_hdd_textmode works fine on ppc:
As well as extra_tests in text mode:
Hence, enebling in functional job group.
Updated by riafarov over 7 years ago extra_tests_on_filesystem also work fine in functional job group
Updated by riafarov over 7 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved