action #1952
closedGet and coveralls running and working
There is some initial work done regarding We have installation of perl modules in place and we have a module that can run tests and report them to coveralls. What currently doesn't work is running the tests. My findings so far, thanks goes to Ancor for pointing out where the problem might be.
Problem is following function in lib/
101: has secrets => sub {
The function that is called there to initialize secrets is called before schema is initialized. I tried using global variable and wait in this function for it to get true (which only happened in has schema => sub) and that didn't happened.
I tried assigning to it something meaningful only after we have connection to database set, but somehow it didn't worked (either I got syntax error or everything was still using empty array)
I tried making this method lazy, but I got from tests lazy as a string when they failed, so I guess this didn't worked out somehow as I wanted.
I also tried to convert it into function that would return empty array initially and correct results once database is set up, didn't worked either (same tests as previously were broken).
Actually if I simple break the credentials, I get quite some tests passing, not all of them, but quite some.