action #18304
closed[sles][migration] test fails in grub_test_snapshot: Can't find desired snapshot in grub menu
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
openQA test in scenario sle-12-SP3-Server-DVD-x86_64-migration_zdup_offline_sle12_ga_allpatterns_minimalupdate@64bit fails in
Please check if it gets created at all or just missing completely
Fails since (at least) Build 0300
Expected result¶
snapshot is created and found correctly
Last good: (unknown) (or more recent)
Further details¶
Always latest result in this scenario: latest
Updated by mgriessmeier almost 8 years ago
- Subject changed from test fails in grub_test_snapshot: Can't find desired snapshot in grub menu to [sles][functional] test fails in grub_test_snapshot: Can't find desired snapshot in grub menu
Updated by okurz almost 8 years ago
- Subject changed from [sles][functional] test fails in grub_test_snapshot: Can't find desired snapshot in grub menu to [sles][migration] test fails in grub_test_snapshot: Can't find desired snapshot in grub menu
Updated by okurz almost 8 years ago
This is an autogenerated message for openQA integration by the openqa_review script:
This bug is still referenced in a failing openQA test: migration_offline_sle12sp2_lock_packages_fullupdate
Updated by okurz over 7 years ago
- Blocked by action #25658: [sle][functional][migration][opensuse][virtualization]Increase/disable timeout of initial grub menue to ensure tests do not miss it added
Updated by mitiao about 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
not appeared anymore, close it
open new ticket if similar issue happen