action #17876
closedConsider job module failures as job failures without concerning important flag
Important flag is written by the test writer. Originally important flag was meant to signal job modules important for / blocking tumbleweed release. This assumed test writer knows the relevance of the test module to TW release. This obviously does not scale well considering TW, LEAP, SLE tests all use the same code and different job module is important for different releases, scenarios, groups.
Furthermore soft failure and workaround needles were introduced creating unclear mess of softfailed state requiring either vigilance and manual inspection of soft failed state or ignoring softfailures with the risk missing some wannabe important job module failure.
To clarify this situation, we will use softfailed result only when workaround needle or explicit record_soft_failure is used. In that case test job reviewer will know that for softfailed tests the reason of failure is known. Failed job modules make whole job to fail regardless of importance flag.
This is preparation for some further work like per scenario important module marks, job result failure severity, etc.