action #177708
opencoordination #154768: [saga][epic][ux] State-of-art user experience for openQA
coordination #154771: [epic] Improved test developer user experience
documentation: Better API documentation, e.g. with openAPI
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
User story¶
As an openQA API user I want documentation of available API commands in easier to read format so that I am motivated to use the API more often
acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: the API documentation provides grouping based on use cases
- AC2: documentation provides something human readable
- AC3: documentation is automatically updated from source code
- Evaluate,
- if feasible rewrite current to use that
further details¶
Currently we have all available API routes listed on routes, e.g. but some are missing some human description and are also not grouped in a sensible way by use, only by definition.
Other interesting references:
Updated by okurz 6 days ago
- Copied from action #16282: [tools][sprint 201711.2] documentation: Better API documentation added
Updated by okurz 6 days ago
- Related to action #177033: Provide a clean rendering of openQA API docs added
Updated by tinita 5 days ago
- Subject changed from documentation: Better API documentation, e.g. with swagger to documentation: Better API documentation, e.g. with openAPI
- Description updated (diff)
Swagger has been renamed to openAPI a while ago :)
Why wasn't #95084 used for this instead? It has the same goal.
Updated by tinita 5 days ago
- Related to action #95084: Create a data file with openQA API routes, parameters, docs added