action #170434
closedcoordination #169654: [epic] Create test scenarios for Agama
Control unattended installation also with puppeteer for remote workers
Start date:
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For remote workers in Agama where there is not VNC* Linuxrc parameter we cannot see the screen, remote workers in openQA using powerVM and specially in s390x we need a realiable way to know when the installation has finished, interact with any error popup that appears and have some visual aid.
We can use puppeteer as well for this.
See feature:
Acceptance criteria¶
- ** AC1**: New test is created that can handle congratulation page with puppeteer.
- ** AC2**: Additional tests are schedule, for example to patch agama to bring this test to the live iso.
- ** AC3**: Apply to all our unattended installation with Agama that need it.
Additional information¶
It was tried out successfully the following:
- Edit test_default_installation.ts
describe("Agama test", function () { test_init(options); login(options.password); if (options.install) performInstallation(); });
- Edit perform_installation.ts
export function performInstallation() { it("should finish installation", async function () { await page .locator("h2::-p-text('Congratulations!')") .setTimeout(40 * 60 * 1000) .wait(); }, 40 * 60 * 1000); }
- Patch live iso with changes
- Start unnattended installation.
- Execute puppeteer automation
Result, login and interaction with page is possible from the browser that puppeteer handles.