



action #169549


START_AFTER_TEST seems doesn't work for some certain test suites size:s

Added by GraceWang 4 months ago. Updated 4 months ago.

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START_AFTER_TEST seems doesn't work for some certain test suites (I mean X11 related test suites under the job group "Desktop Applications"¬_group_glob=&comment=&distri=sle&version=15-SP7&build=38.1&groupid=118#)

I didn't see this issue for Wayland related test suites.

Let's take x11-desktopapps-firefox for example. From the history we can see it failed every-time when the new build arrived and the build 36.1 is an exception. And it will pass after we restart the test.

In the we can see the x11-desktopapps-firefox should be run after create_hdd_gnome+we.
If we check the we can see the x11-desktopapps-firefox started at [2024-11-07T19:57:22.685258Z]
But for the parent job create_hdd_gnome+we, it started at [2024-11-07T20:17:55.196345Z]
That's the reason led to the x11-desktopapps-firefox ended up with incomplete status.

Actions #1

Updated by okurz 4 months ago

  • Category set to Support
  • Priority changed from Normal to High
  • Target version set to Ready
Actions #2

Updated by okurz 4 months ago

  • Tags set to reactive work, support
Actions #3

Updated by mkittler 4 months ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • Assignee set to mkittler
Actions #4

Updated by mkittler 4 months ago ยท Edited

  • Status changed from In Progress to Feedback

The page of the corresponding scheduled product, e.g. tells you that the dependency was attempted to be created but that failed with create_hdd_gnome+we@64bit has no child, check its machine placed or dependency setting typos.

It looks like such a job generally exists as part of the scheduled product, though:

It is strange that the image creation job itself (even though it specifies not dependencies on its own) shows this error:

            "error_messages": [
                "create_hdd_gnome+we@64bit has no child, check its machine placed or dependency setting typos"
            "job_id": [

However, the error message also gives you a good hint what the problem is. As it says, one should check the machine - and according to the documentation the MACHINE is in fact tried to be matched as well:

To use it, simply append the machine name for each dependent test suite with an @ sign separated. If a machine is not explicitly defined, the variable MACHINE of the current job is used for the dependent test suite.

In this case no @-syntax is used so it'll just use the MACHINE of the job. In case of the consuming jobs that is 64bit-2gbram. In case of the job creating the image that is 64bit. So there's a clear mismatch.

TLDR: I suppose the dependency creation would work if you'd explicitly specified the machine via the @-syntax, e.g. START_AFTER_TEST=create_hdd_gnome+we@64bit.

Actions #5

Updated by okurz 4 months ago

  • Due date set to 2024-11-22
Actions #6

Updated by livdywan 4 months ago

  • Subject changed from START_AFTER_TEST seems doesn't work for some certain test suites to START_AFTER_TEST seems doesn't work for some certain test suites size:s

No need to discuss in detail.

Actions #7

Updated by okurz 4 months ago

  • Due date deleted (2024-11-22)
  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved

No further response. Assuming fixed with the explanation from mkittler

Actions #8

Updated by GraceWang 4 months ago

Sorry for the late feedback.
After changing to START_AFTER_TEST=create_hdd_gnome+we@64bit, everything works as expected.

Thanks a lot for your great help.


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