



action #168007


coordination #70840: [epic] further features for the "search" feature offers very little benefit

Added by szarate 5 months ago. Updated 5 months ago.

Feature requests
Target version:
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  • Doing a search on the webUI provides very little advantage over using grep in the test distribution, and there are no instructions of how to use it efficiently.
  • The search results don't really provide anything of value other than confirming whether there is something that matches the search parameter, and nothing clickable on top of that, so any potential user would still need to figure out the information on their own

For reference take the following two SQL queries:

select, jobs.scheduled_product_id, jobs.test, from jobs left join job_modules jm on ( = jm.job_id) where jobs.t_started >= '2024-10-01' and jobs.result = 'passed' and like '%snapper%' and jobs.scheduled_product_id > 0 limit 100;

select, jobs.scheduled_product_id, jobs.test, from jobs left join job_modules jm on ( = jm.job_id) where jobs.t_started >= '2024-10-01' and jobs.result = 'passed' and = 'suseconnect_scc' and jobs.scheduled_product_id > 0 limit 100;

Returned exactly the information I was looking for.

IMO: searching widely on the test code, should only be limited (if at all) to the search in the build overview page.

Actions #1

Updated by szarate 5 months ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #2

Updated by mkittler 5 months ago

I agree that this grepping on test code is not very useful (and it is much better done in my local text editor). I usually resort to doing some database queries as well to get information about actual tests.

Actions #3

Updated by okurz 5 months ago

  • Category set to Feature requests
  • Target version set to future

szarate wrote:

  • Doing a search on the webUI provides very little advantage over using grep in the test distribution, and there are no instructions of how to use it efficiently.

That's true and I still prefer git grep over the webUI search feature but not everyone is as tech-savy as you and me and people like webUI's, especially consider other devices like a smartphone or tablet where git grep is not that accessible.

  • The search results don't really provide anything of value other than confirming whether there is something that matches the search parameter, and nothing clickable on top of that, so any potential user would still need to figure out the information on their own

so you would like to have more clickable entries, e.g. pointing to the github source code view for the test modules that the search returned?

For reference take the following two SQL queries:

select, jobs.scheduled_product_id, jobs.test, from jobs left join job_modules jm on ( = jm.job_id) where jobs.t_started >= '2024-10-01' and jobs.result = 'passed' and like '%snapper%' and jobs.scheduled_product_id > 0 limit 100;

select, jobs.scheduled_product_id, jobs.test, from jobs left join job_modules jm on ( = jm.job_id) where jobs.t_started >= '2024-10-01' and jobs.result = 'passed' and = 'suseconnect_scc' and jobs.scheduled_product_id > 0 limit 100;

Returned exactly the information I was looking for.

Again, same as above, I am with you that often an SQL query is much faster to give what I want. But what is the consequence of that: That we should remove the search feature and state "use SQL"? Probably not. Also it's not a good idea to just pass bare SQL statements so can you please elaborate here what you suggest or wish for?

IMO: searching widely on the test code, should only be limited (if at all) to the search in the build overview page.

Can you please elaborate on that. What do you mean with "the search in the build overview page"? Do you mean the test overview like or showing the builds for a product?


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