action #167485
closedcoordination #151582: [epic] Future improvements for QE infrastructure salt management
salt-states-openqa deploy pipeline can cause monitor.qe to fail to render dashboard templates correctly size:M
Observation¶ introduced a change into the network runtime configuration of workers. This caused the deployment pipeline of that MR to fail with a rather unrelated looking message:
Data failed to compile:
Rendering SLS 'base:monitoring.grafana' failed: Jinja variable No first item, sequence was empty.; line 192
- source: salt://monitoring/grafana/alerting-dashboard-GD.yaml.template
- mode: "0644"
- template: jinja
- generic_host: {{ genericname }}
- host_interface: {{ host_interface }} <======================
{% do provisioned_alerts.append('dashboard-GD' + genericname + '.yaml') %}
{% endfor %}
After looking into our states I found a hypothesis why this happened and is related:
- Marius config was applied in the running highstate
- Eventually the highstate reached monitor and started rendering grafana.sls
- It grabs a list of workernames: (which included worker37 which was just changed)
- It tries to fetch a list of all network interfaces from each worker in the list:
- This list was empty - presumably while at the point of worker37 in the for-loop but hard to tell from salt log-output
- =>
| first
returned an empty item which causedhost_interface
to be missing while trying to render the according dashboard template
It boils down to the mine returning incomplete/no data which our templates can't handle. We had a similar case in the past with the generation of gre-endpoint-pairs already but I can't quite remember if we found a solution/workaround we could apply here.
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: Our alerting template render state can handle an empty host_interface variable
- Check if the above hypothesis can be validated easily without interrupting production
- Make grafana.sls robust about empty network interface lists returned by the mine
- Don't render if variable is not defined/empty -> eventual network changes will only be rendered/visible/monitored on next deployment
- What is this variable used for in our dashboards? Does it need to come from the mine? Is there a better way? Maybe in telegraf?
- This should be reproducible on a single machine e.g. by setting an empty value
Updated by livdywan 5 months ago
- Subject changed from salt-states-openqa deploy pipeline can cause monitor.qe fail to render dashboard templates correctly to salt-states-openqa deploy pipeline can cause monitor.qe to fail to render dashboard templates correctly size:M
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from New to Workable
Updated by jbaier_cz 5 months ago should skip defining the template when host_interface is empty
Updated by openqa_review 5 months ago
- Due date set to 2024-10-25
Setting due date based on mean cycle time of SUSE QE Tools