action #16544
closedWorker does not terminate when sent TERM signal
When I start a worker with
sudo -u _openqa-worker /home/richie/qa/openQA/script/worker --instance 1
--isotovideo ~/qa/os-autoinst/isotovideo --verbose --apikey 1234567890ABCDEF --a
pisecret 1234567890ABCDEF
and run a job which fails or completes (more often with a job which fails), the script will not close unless I send the kill signal.
If I press ^C
then the following is printed:
[INFO] quit due to signal INT
If I send kill -TERM <pid>
then is printed:
[INFO] quit due to signal TERM
However the script does not close, sending the kill signal closes the script, but there is still a Perl process active which must also be killed otherwise the pool folder remains locked.
If you have observed a similar problem, please comment, in case it is just my installation (which is from the Git HEAD).