action #164329
[qem][qe-core]test fails in update_install, need to fix the conflict issue for installing "patterns-base-fips-certified"
Added by rfan1 4 months ago.
Updated 4 months ago.
Bugs in existing tests
From spec file,
We can say the error is expected, but seems it conflicts with some dedicated versions. we may need to handle it.
Is there any existing parameter/setting to control it?
%package fips-certified
Summary: FIPS 140-3 certified packages
Group: Metapackages
Provides: pattern() = fips-certified
Provides: pattern-icon() = pattern-generic
Provides: pattern-order() = 3010
Provides: pattern-visible()
Requires: patterns-base-fips = %{version}
# libgcrypt
Conflicts: libgcrypt20 < 1.9.4-150400.6.8.1
Conflicts: libgcrypt20 > 1.9.4-150400.6.8.1
Conflicts: libgcrypt20-hmac < 1.9.4-150400.6.8.1
Conflicts: libgcrypt20-hmac > 1.9.4-150400.6.8.1
# openssl 1.1.1
Conflicts: libopenssl1_1 < 1.1.1l-150400.7.28.1
Conflicts: libopenssl1_1 > 1.1.1l-150400.7.28.1
Conflicts: libopenssl1_1-hmac < 1.1.1l-150400.7.28.1
Conflicts: libopenssl1_1-hmac > 1.1.1l-150400.7.28.1
Conflicts: libopenssl1_1-32bit < 1.1.1l-150400.7.28.1
Conflicts: libopenssl1_1-32bit > 1.1.1l-150400.7.28.1
Conflicts: libopenssl1_1-hmac-32bit < 1.1.1l-150400.7.28.1
Conflicts: libopenssl1_1-hmac-32bit > 1.1.1l-150400.7.28.1
# kernel
Conflicts: dracut-fips < 055+suse.252.g4988b0bf-150400.1.8
Conflicts: dracut-fips > 055+suse.252.g4988b0bf-150400.1.8
Conflicts: kernel-default < 5.14.21-150400.24.46.1
Conflicts: kernel-default > 5.14.21-150400.24.46.1
Conflicts: kernel-rt < 5.14.21-150400.15.11.1
Conflicts: kernel-rt > 5.14.21-150400.15.11.1
Conflicts: libkcapi-tools < 0.13.0-1.114
Conflicts: libkcapi-tools > 0.13.0-1.114
- Subject changed from [qem][qe-core]test fails in update_install, need to fix the conflict issue for installing "certified" to [qem][qe-core]test fails in update_install, need to fix the conflict issue for installing "patterns-base-fips-certified"
- Assignee set to dvenkatachala
Dee, Richard, Confirm with the qe-security guys I think there are variables to also handle those cases.
- Assignee deleted (
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee set to dzedro
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Tests passed, s390x had to be workaround due to the bug, but it's unlikely related to the pattern update.
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