



tickets #163319

closed resets user name and color when re-opened

Added by livdywan 5 days ago. Updated 1 day ago.

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Using the following started happening recently, at least in the last few days. When opening an etherpad or re-connecting after losing the connection one's name is shown as false and the color is white:

This impacts filling in a pad together.

Setting the name and color every single time can be used as a work-around.


Actions #1

Updated by okurz 5 days ago

  • Private changed from Yes to No

Reproduced by multiple members. Another interesting observation is that to other users the color and nickname are still showing up than for the original users.

Actions #3

Updated by crameleon 4 days ago


thanks for the report and for the upstream pointer.

I suppose this is a result of my update in

The installation of this update seems to cause some error (I suspect a conflict between the annoying self-updater and the package) which we'll have to solve first:

2024-07-04 01:45:11|command|root@etherpad|'zypper' 'up' '-y' '--auto-agree-with-product-licenses'|
# 2024-07-04 01:45:18 etherpad-lite-2.1.0-lp156.1.1.x86_64.rpm install failed
# warning: /etc/etherpad-lite/settings.json created as /etc/etherpad-lite/settings.json.rpmnew
# error: unpacking of archive failed on file /srv/www/etherpad-lite/src/node_modules/@types/node: cpio: File from package already exists as a directory in system
# error: etherpad-lite-2.1.0-lp156.1.1.x86_64: install failed
# error: etherpad-lite-1.9.7-lp156.3.1.noarch: erase skipped
Actions #4

Updated by crameleon 2 days ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • Assignee set to crameleon
Actions #5

Updated by crameleon 2 days ago

Upon trying to repair the broken update, I apparently managed to completely break it. No error messages on the server, but some in the browser console upon loading pads. The only similar issue I find is, but even moving the whole application directory away and reinstalling without plugins does not help. Not sure what to do - I had tested the package on my system where it worked fine. I also compared the settings and commented deprecated ones.

Actions #6

Updated by crameleon 2 days ago · Edited

Admin panel does not work either, apparently one needs to build that separately now: - prepared this via

For the pads, I tried copying the application directory from my test system, but that does not help either. I also tried connecting to the Node server internally without going through the proxy. Browser always claims "Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at ws://" and "Error: xhr poll error" on the websocket." (or with the public URL if going through etherpad.o.o).

Debug logging prints lots of garbage but no errors upon trying to load pads or anything else sounding like websockets.

Actions #7

Updated by crameleon 2 days ago

Lots of comparing of my test setup and production later, including importing the big ~1GB production database, I find the issue to be in settings.json.

"Broken" line in production:

"socketTransportProtocols" : ["xhr-polling", "jsonp-polling", "htmlfile"],

"Working" line in my test setup:

"socketTransportProtocols" : ["websocket", "polling"],

This change, together with changing userName and userColor to null instead of false, plus some more refactoring of the package via, should make the new version fully operational.

Actions #8

Updated by crameleon 1 day ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved

Changes are now correctly deployed.


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