



action #16292


openQA-reviews within openQA website

Added by pgeorgiadis over 7 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

Feature requests
Target version:
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% Done:


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Yesterday, I came across [openqa-review], a beautiful parser for openQA results. After playing with it, we discussed it with the rest of my colleagues in NUE, and we would like to ask you if it's possible to have this functionality inside of [] itself -- for our department (QAM). In order to be more precise, for starters we would like to have something similar to what Oliver already has into his Export folder; but in an exclusive view, only for QAM. As far as I am concerned, our main interest is to review the openQA builds related to maintenance. This means we would like to include the results of:

  • Maintenance: Single Incidents

    Maintenance: Single Incidents / Maintenance: SLE 12 GA Incidents
    Maintenance: Single Incidents / Maintenance: SLE 12 Live Patching
    Maintenance: Single Incidents / Maintenance: SLE 12 SP1 Incidents
    Maintenance: Single Incidents / Maintenance: SLE 12 SP2 Incidents

  • Maintenance: Test Repo

    Maintenance: Test Repo / Maintenance: SLE 12 GA Updates
    Maintenance: Test Repo / Maintenance: SLE 12 SP1 Updates
    Maintenance: Test Repo / Maintenance: SLE 12 SP2 Updates

Furthermore, any helpful functionality (such as Bugzilla/Progress button) is very welcome.

In case I missed something, I have added the QAM Managers into the Watchers list, Vit, Heiko and Martin, in order to follow closer on this topic, and come forward with missing features that might be desirable for openqa-qam workflow.

Actions #1

Updated by okurz over 7 years ago

  • Target version set to future

can you state proper acceptance criteria for the feature request and maybe a user story or multiple user stories?

What exactly do you mean with
"similar to […] Export folder; but in an exclusive view, only for QAM"
regarding "exclusive" and "only for"? Should the page be customized for QAM or somehow only be accessible to a selected group of persons?

The daily report of "openqa-review" covering all job groups is already featured as a link on the index page of osd: On there is a link "» Daily openQA review". What else do you need and what would be the benefit?

Regarding feature requests on "openqa-review" you are welcome to take a look into and propose changes by github issues or at best with a PR. You can of course tweak the script slightly or just call it yourself with custom selection of parameters to fit your needs. E.g. calling

openqa-review --host -j Maintenance

looks up just the groups you mentioned.

Actions #2

Updated by pgeorgiadis over 7 years ago

  • Target version deleted (future)
What exactly do you mean with
"similar to […] Export folder; but in an exclusive view, only for QAM"
The daily report of "openqa-review" covering all job groups is already featured as a link on the index page of osd: On 
there is a link "» Daily openQA review".

Hm, well, I am a real fan of proper order and classification. As a result, since I am interested only in reviewing only qam related stuff, I guess that I would like a page that shows only that.
For example: (I am just referring to it, in order to help you understand in what content I am referring to) --include-softfails --host -j "Maintenance: Test Repo / Maintenance: SLE 12 GA Updates" --verbose-test --report-links --no-empty-sections --include-softfails --host -j "Maintenance: Test Repo / Maintenance: SLE 12 SP1 Updates" --verbose-test --report-links --no-empty-sections --include-softfails --host -j "Maintenance: Test Repo / Maintenance: SLE 12 SP2 Updates" --verbose-test --report-links --no-empty-sections --include-softfails --host -j "Maintenance: Single Incidents / Maintenance: SLE 12 GA Incidents" --verbose-test --report-links --no-empty-sections --include-softfails --host -j "Maintenance: Single Incidents / Maintenance: SLE 12 SP1 Incidents" --verbose-test --report-links --no-empty-sections --include-softfails --host -j "Maintenance: Single Incidents / Maintenance: SLE 12 SP1 Incidents" --verbose-test --report-links --no-empty-sections --include-softfails --host -j "Maintenance: Single Incidents / Maintenance: SLE 12 SP2 Incidents" --verbose-test --report-links --no-empty-sections --include-softfails --host -j "Maintenance: Single Incidents / Maintenance: SLE 12 Live Patching" --verbose-test --report-links --no-empty-sections

Some benefits of having a page with only these information:

First of all looks and feels as good as a clean, tidy and organized place. Secondly, I suppose you expect other teams to join into reviewing, hosting guests is a breeze. Many of my colleagues complain about the messiness of the design of openQA, so let's change that. Seriously – a clean and tidy page of results makes you more productive at reviewing them. When you see only the information you are interested into, you are subsequently more focused and thus productive ;)

Furthermore, the "Daily openQA review" link redirects to your personal Export's folder. Why?
Also, why I have to use external tools to approve or reject an update? Since openQA is integrated with OBS, I would expect to be able to handle the review process solely on openQA website. Of course I don't mind using another tool, but it feels strange.

What else do you need and what would be the benefit?

Have statistics, metrics and graphs that help me to analyze the results and their impact. Integration with MTUI would also nice (having the results of the maintenance incident in our report). In this regard, you are very welcome to send a PR in (

can you state proper acceptance criteria for the feature request 

I am afraid I cannot help you with this. This is a task for the managers.

maybe a user story or multiple user stories?

Some scenarios:

Given that the QAM Engineer had signed into openQA
When a he browses into it
Then he will see information only related to maintenance

Given that the QAM Engineer had been part of the qam-openqa group in build service
When he clicks on the "Approve" button
Then this command will be issued in the background: ibs qam approve -G qam-openqa $RR

Counter Example:
Given that the QAM Engineer had not been part of the qam-openqa group in build service
When he clicks on the "Approve" button
Then a pop-up will appear saying "Forbidden. You have to be member of qam-openqa in order to complete such actions"

Given that the QAM Engineer had been part of the qam-openqa group in build service
When he clicks on the "Reject" button
Then a pop-up will appear asking him to select a reason from a drop-down menu, and optionally write some comments

Given that the QAM Engineer had been part of the qam-openqa group in build service and he had already clicked on the reject button
When we finishes selecting the reason for reject and writing a comments
Then this command will be issues in the background: ibs qam reject -R $reason -M $message -G qam-openqa $RR

Accepted reasons for rejections:

-R REASON, --reason=REASON
Reason the request was rejected: admin, retracted,
build_problem, not_fixed, regression, false_reject,

Message to use for rejection-comment.

Yet again, this is just my personal preference. As I said, I am not authorized to take decisions what QAM needs that's why I have subscribed the project manager and the TL in this thread. Camera to them :)

Actions #3

Updated by coolo over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected

Integrating openqa-review into openqa in any way is not planned - the QAM reports you are refering to are inserted into the incidents/release requests by the qam-openqa bot.


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