



tickets #16070


planet: check for inactive URLs and remove

Added by tampakrap about 8 years ago. Updated about 5 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


It would be cool to have the following:

  • a check for URLs that don't return 200
  • log the URL, exit status and date it started
  • if it happens for a week, automatically send a mail (or file a ticket with the user in CC)
  • if no reply for a week, remove the blog automatically

Files (838 Bytes) cboltz, 2017-03-18 18:03
broken-feeds-2017-03-18 (1.71 KB) broken-feeds-2017-03-18 broken feeds as of 2017-03-18 cboltz, 2017-03-18 18:38
planet_status.txt (1.52 KB) planet_status.txt orion_0, 2017-05-07 16:02
Actions #1

Updated by tampakrap about 8 years ago

  • Private changed from Yes to No
Actions #2

Updated by tampakrap about 8 years ago

the first check could happen by just parsing the planet software logs

Updated by cboltz almost 8 years ago

I don't have direct access to the planet.o.o server, so I wrote a little script to do the check. It isn't as fancy as in your dreams ;-) und needs a few minutes to download all feeds, but it should get the job done.

The script and today's report (36 broken feeds) are attached.

Someone should re-check the broken feeds in a few days (" broken-feeds-2017-03-18") to filter out temporary outages and then contact the affected users.

Actions #4

Updated by orion_0 almost 8 years ago

This is the update of the last tracking i did to the planet sites. Nothing has changed since the last time we spoke

Actions #5

Updated by cboltz over 7 years ago

There were some changes since then:

  • linux301 wordpress com was taken over by a spammer, so I removed it
  • moved, Frank sent a pull request with the new location

In some cases, it helps to shorten the link to the domain - most domains are still reachable, and maybe you can find the feed this way. See for an example ;-)

For everything else - please give it a final test, and if it's still broken, send a pull request to remove the broken feeds. It doesn't make sense to keep them if they are broken.

At the same time, I'd recommend to send a mail to opensuse-project with the to-be-removed feeds - maybe some of the people notice that their old blog is mentioned, and send us an updated feed URL ;-)

Actions #6

Updated by lrupp about 5 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Looks like nobody worked on this for >3 years.

I close this here in the hope that something happened in between. If not, please open issues in github
( ), so this can be tracked by the ones who maintain the repo/service.


Actions #7

Updated by cboltz about 5 years ago

Well, yes and no ;-)

I still run my check script from time to time, try to fix broken feeds in obvious cases, mail their owners etc.

However, I don't do additional paperwork like updating this ticket ;-) therefore - thanks for finally closing it!


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