action #159456
closed[qe-core] implement a test 'report live patching state for openssl'
see for requirements and also check
- find out how to test live patching for openssl
- provide information about required setup and steps how to process and verify the test results
Updated by zluo 10 months ago
- Copied from action #124251: [qe-core]Implement userspace livepatching tests for openssl added
Updated by zluo 10 months ago
- Subject changed from [qe-core] implement a test 'report livepatching state for openssl' to [qe-core] implement a test 'report live patching state for openssl'
- Description updated (diff)
- Category set to Spike/Research
- Assignee set to zluo
- Target version set to QE-Core: Ready
- Start date deleted (
Updated by zluo 10 months ago · Edited
Bevor start with ulp, read and understand how live patching is working:
Activating Kernel Live Patching from the command line
SUSEConnect -p sle-module-live-patching/15.4/x86_64 -r LIVE_PATCHING_REGISTRATION_CODE
zypper install -t pattern lp_sles
Performing Kernel Live Patching
zypper se --details kernel-livepatch-*
klp -v patches
Checking expiration date of the live patch
Make sure that the lifecycle-data-sle-module-live-patching is installed, then run the zypper lifecycle command
then check
run zypper in libpulp0 libpulp-tools
and install openssl-livepatches packages
d4-45:~ # zypper install openssl-1_1-livepatches
Dienst 'Basesystem_Module_15_SP6_x86_64' wird aktualisiert.
Dienst 'Containers_Module_15_SP6_x86_64' wird aktualisiert.
Dienst 'Desktop_Applications_Module_15_SP6_x86_64' wird aktualisiert.
Dienst 'Development_Tools_Module_15_SP6_x86_64' wird aktualisiert.
Dienst 'Legacy_Module_15_SP6_x86_64' wird aktualisiert.
Dienst 'Public_Cloud_Module_15_SP6_x86_64' wird aktualisiert.
Dienst 'Python_3_Module_15_SP6_x86_64' wird aktualisiert.
Dienst 'SAP_Business_One_Module_15_SP6_x86_64' wird aktualisiert.
Dienst 'SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Live_Patching_15_SP6_x86_64' wird aktualisiert.
Dienst 'SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Server_15_SP6_x86_64' wird aktualisiert.
Dienst 'SUSE_Package_Hub_15_SP6_x86_64' wird aktualisiert.
Dienst 'Server_Applications_Module_15_SP6_x86_64' wird aktualisiert.
Dienst 'Transactional_Server_Module_15_SP6_x86_64' wird aktualisiert.
Dienst 'Web_and_Scripting_Module_15_SP6_x86_64' wird aktualisiert.
Repository-Daten werden geladen...
Installierte Pakete werden gelesen...
Paketabhängigkeiten werden aufgelöst...
Das folgende NEUE Paket wird installiert:
1 neues Paket zu installieren.
Gesamtgröße des Downloads: 24,9 KiB. Bereits im Cache gespeichert: 0 B. Nach der Operation werden zusätzlich 244,3 KiB
Continue? [j/n/v/...? zeigt alle Optionen] (j): j
Abrufen: openssl-1_1-livepatches-0.2-150600.9.2.x86_64 (SLE-Module-Live-Patching15-SP6-Pool) (1/1), 24,9 KiB
Abrufen: openssl-1_1-livepatches-0.2-150600.9.2.x86_64.rpm .....................................................[fertig]
Überprüfung auf Dateikonflikte läuft: ..........................................................................[fertig]
Executing ulp_post_hook(). About to execute rpm-helper...
ulp trigger executed.
Done executing rpm-helper.
(1/1) Installieren: openssl-1_1-livepatches-0.2-150600.9.2.x86_64 ..............................................[fertig]
to continue with Using libpulp
To enable live patching on an application, we need to preload the library when starting the application, for example:
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/ openssl
and check:
d4-45:~ # l /usr/lib64/openssl-1_1-livepatches/0.2
insgesamt 276
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2028 24. Apr 21:29 ./
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 6 24. Apr 21:29 ../
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10872 8. Mär 19:42*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10872 8. Mär 19:42*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10872 8. Mär 19:42*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10872 8. Mär 19:42*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10872 8. Mär 19:42*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10872 8. Mär 19:42*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10872 8. Mär 19:42*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10872 8. Mär 19:42*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10936 8. Mär 19:42*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10872 8. Mär 19:42*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10872 8. Mär 19:42*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10872 8. Mär 19:42*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10872 8. Mär 19:42*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10872 8. Mär 19:42*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10872 8. Mär 19:42*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10872 8. Mär 19:42*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10872 8. Mär 19:42*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10872 8. Mär 19:42*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10872 8. Mär 19:42*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10872 8. Mär 19:42*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10872 8. Mär 19:42*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10872 8. Mär 19:42*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10872 8. Mär 19:42*
find out if a libray is patchable:
ulp livepatchable /usr/lib64/openssl-1_1-livepatches/0.2/
ulp: file '/usr/lib64/openssl-1_1-livepatches/0.2/' is livepatchable.
Updated by zluo 10 months ago
Checking if a .so file is a live patch container
d4-45:~ # ulp livepatchable /usr/lib64/openssl-1_1-livepatches/0.2/
ulp: file '/usr/lib64/openssl-1_1-livepatches/0.2/' is livepatchable.
d4-45:~ # readelf -S /usr/lib64/openssl-1_1-livepatches/0.2/ | grep .ulp
[25] .ulp PROGBITS 0000000000000000 00002020
[26] .ulp.comments PROGBITS 0000000000000000 00002113
[27] .ulp.rev PROGBITS 0000000000000000 00002143
Updated by zluo 10 months ago · Edited
install and configure apache2 with SSL. The reason is that we need a test environment with SSL which is working with apache2 server.
this part is little tricky. In general I had some problems, but now apache2 has been configured with SSL:
Generate a Self-Signed Certificate for apache2:
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout sles15sp6.key -out sles15sp6.crt
configure a vhost conf and enable ssl for apache2 then and check that ssl is working
Updated by zluo 10 months ago · Edited
now we need to add in /usr/lib/systemd/system/apache2.service to inject the
run systemctl daemon-reload and systemctl restart apache2.service
check apache2 is working
check is loaded:
d4-45:~ # lsof |grep http.*pulp
lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfsd-fuse file system /run/user/1000/gvfs
Output information may be incomplete.
lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.portal file system /run/user/1000/doc
Output information may be incomplete.
httpd-pre 27417 root mem REG 0,33 2140768 193230 /usr/lib64/
httpd-pre 27432 wwwrun mem REG 0,33 2140768 193230 /usr/lib64/
httpd-pre 27433 wwwrun mem REG 0,33 2140768 193230 /usr/lib64/
httpd-pre 27434 wwwrun mem REG 0,33 2140768 193230 /usr/lib64/
httpd-pre 27435 wwwrun mem REG 0,33 2140768 193230 /usr/lib64/
httpd-pre 27436 wwwrun mem REG 0,33 2140768 193230 /usr/lib64/
httpd-pre 27439 wwwrun mem REG 0,33 2140768 193230 /usr/lib64/
Updated by zluo 10 months ago
finally we can try apply live patches:
d4-45:/usr/lib64/openssl-1_1-livepatches/0.2 # ulp trigger -p 27433
ulp: Unable to get section data.
ulp: Processes patched: 0, Skipped: 1, Failed: 0.
but this is not working -- need to investigate it
Updated by MDoucha 10 months ago
zluo wrote in #note-9:
now we need to add in /usr/lib/systemd/system/apache2.service to inject the
The recommended way to enable libpulp is to install the libpulp-load-default
zluo wrote in #note-10:
finally we can try apply live patches:
d4-45:/usr/lib64/openssl-1_1-livepatches/0.2 # ulp trigger -p 27433 ulp: Unable to get section data. ulp: Processes patched: 0, Skipped: 1, Failed: 0.
The Apache process probably has a different version of loaded, or it's not loaded at all possibly due to vhost configuration. Check this using ulp patches -p $apache_pid
Also check which libraries are targeted by the livepatch: ulp dump
Updated by zluo 10 months ago
libpulp-load-default got installed and:
d4-45:/usr/lib64/openssl-1_1-livepatches/0.2 # ulp dump
patch id: 8363b71355469b4a4c176d63eeb153749c7429fe
so filename: /usr/lib64/openssl-1_1-livepatches/0.2/
* build id: 5ea903d6cb5a6287eb5079545cd7be149e19f5bf
* name:
* units: 3
** old_fname: OpenSSL_version
** new_fname: OpenSSL_version_lp
** old_faddr: 0x11913e
** old_fname: DH_check_pub_key
** new_fname: DH_check_pub_key_lp
** old_faddr: 0x122c4e
** old_fname: DH_compute_key
** new_fname: DH_compute_key_lp
** old_faddr: 0x123dbe
static references: 0
* comments:
This patch fixes cve-2023-0286 cve-2023-5678
d4-45:/usr/lib64/openssl-1_1-livepatches/0.2 # ulp patches -p 27417
PID: 27417, name: httpd-prefork
Livepatching status: enabled
Livepatchable libraries:
in httpd-prefork:
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /usr/lib64/ (version 0.3.1):
It looks now much better :)
Updated by zluo 10 months ago
but ulp trigger to apply patches doesn't work:
d4-45:/usr/lib64/openssl-1_1-livepatches/0.2 # ulp patches
PID: 23312, name: fwupd
Livepatching status: enabled
Livepatchable libraries:
in fwupd:
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /usr/lib64/ (version 0.3.1):
PID: 25615, name: pickup
Livepatching status: enabled
Livepatchable libraries:
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /usr/lib64/ (version 0.3.1):
PID: 26772, name: sshd
Livepatching status: enabled
Livepatchable libraries:
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /usr/lib64/ (version 0.3.1):
PID: 26777, name: sshd
Livepatching status: enabled
Livepatchable libraries:
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /usr/lib64/ (version 0.3.1):
PID: 26788, name: bash
Livepatching status: enabled
Livepatchable libraries:
in bash:
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /usr/lib64/ (version 0.3.1):
PID: 26833, name: su
Livepatching status: enabled
Livepatchable libraries:
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /usr/lib64/ (version 0.3.1):
PID: 26834, name: bash
Livepatching status: enabled
Livepatchable libraries:
in bash:
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /usr/lib64/ (version 0.3.1):
PID: 27895, name: sshd
Livepatching status: enabled
Livepatchable libraries:
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /usr/lib64/ (version 0.3.1):
PID: 27899, name: sshd
Livepatching status: enabled
Livepatchable libraries:
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /usr/lib64/ (version 0.3.1):
PID: 27911, name: bash
Livepatching status: enabled
Livepatchable libraries:
in bash:
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /usr/lib64/ (version 0.3.1):
PID: 27963, name: su
Livepatching status: enabled
Livepatchable libraries:
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /usr/lib64/ (version 0.3.1):
PID: 27964, name: bash
Livepatching status: enabled
Livepatchable libraries:
in bash:
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /usr/lib64/ (version 0.3.1):
PID: 28117, name: httpd-prefork
Livepatching status: enabled
Livepatchable libraries:
in httpd-prefork:
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /usr/lib64/ (version 0.3.1):
PID: 28132, name: httpd-prefork
Livepatching status: enabled
Livepatchable libraries:
in httpd-prefork:
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /usr/lib64/ (version 0.3.1):
PID: 28133, name: httpd-prefork
Livepatching status: enabled
Livepatchable libraries:
in httpd-prefork:
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /usr/lib64/ (version 0.3.1):
PID: 28134, name: httpd-prefork
Livepatching status: enabled
Livepatchable libraries:
in httpd-prefork:
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /usr/lib64/ (version 0.3.1):
PID: 28135, name: httpd-prefork
Livepatching status: enabled
Livepatchable libraries:
in httpd-prefork:
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /usr/lib64/ (version 0.3.1):
PID: 28136, name: httpd-prefork
Livepatching status: enabled
Livepatchable libraries:
in httpd-prefork:
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /lib64/
in /usr/lib64/ (version 0.3.1):
d4-45:/usr/lib64/openssl-1_1-livepatches/0.2 # ulp trigger -p 28136
ulp: Unable to get section data.
ulp: Processes patched: 0, Skipped: 1, Failed: 0.
Updated by zluo 10 months ago · Edited
d4-45:~ # lsof |grep http.*
lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfsd-fuse file system /run/user/1000/gvfs
Output information may be incomplete.
lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.portal file system /run/user/1000/doc
Output information may be incomplete.
httpd-pre 28117 root mem REG 0,33 5133344 19546 /usr/lib64/
httpd-pre 28132 wwwrun mem REG 0,33 5133344 19546 /usr/lib64/
httpd-pre 28133 wwwrun mem REG 0,33 5133344 19546 /usr/lib64/
httpd-pre 28134 wwwrun mem REG 0,33 5133344 19546 /usr/lib64/
httpd-pre 28135 wwwrun mem REG 0,33 5133344 19546 /usr/lib64/
httpd-pre 28136 wwwrun mem REG 0,33 5133344 19546 /usr/lib64/ has been actually loaded
but checked latest patch and it explains why this is not working (assume that older version cannot be applied to newer):
d4-45:/usr/lib64/openssl-1_1-livepatches/0.2 # ulp dump
patch id: 8363b71355469b4a4c176d63eeb153745f798551
so filename: /usr/lib64/openssl-1_1-livepatches/0.2/
* build id: 0cd6545dbbea3aaa2d97ed69b6befff4b621a26b
* name:
* units: 3
** old_fname: OpenSSL_version
** new_fname: OpenSSL_version_lp
** old_faddr: 0x11a41e
** old_fname: DH_check_pub_key
** new_fname: DH_check_pub_key_lp
** old_faddr: 0x123f7e
** old_fname: DH_compute_key
** new_fname: DH_compute_key_lp
** old_faddr: 0x1250ee
static references: 0
* comments:
This patch fixes cve-2023-0286 cve-2023-5678
Updated by zluo 10 months ago
will open a bug report for documentation about enabling libpulp by installing libpulp-load-default package.
Updated by MDoucha 10 months ago
zluo wrote in #note-14: has been actually loaded
but checked latest patch and it explains why this is not working (assume that older version cannot be applied to newer):
Yes, you need to downgrade libcrypto to the version included in the livepatch filename: e.g. openssl-1.1.1l-150400.7.28.1
Then restart apache and apply livepatch. Each targets a different openssl version so you should install and test all of them, one after another.
Updated by zluo 10 months ago
will open a bug report for documentation about enabling libpulp by installing libpulp-load-default package.
MDoucha wrote in #note-16:
zluo wrote in #note-14: has been actually loaded
but checked latest patch and it explains why this is not working (assume that older version cannot be applied to newer):
Yes, you need to downgrade libcrypto to the version included in the livepatch filename: e.g. openssl-1.1.1l-150400.7.28.1
Then restart apache and apply livepatch. Each targets a different openssl version so you should install and test all of them, one after another.
Does it make sense to get older libcrypto downgraded on sles15 sp6? I mean all patches of* and it maybe has target for sles 15 sp5?
Updated by MDoucha 10 months ago
zluo wrote in #note-17:
Does it make sense to get older libcrypto downgraded on sles15 sp6? I mean all patches of* and it maybe has target for sles 15 sp5?
It will make sense once SLE-15SP6 starts receiving updates, because openssl RPMs will be supported and livepatched for 12 months after release. It doesn't make sense now because there's nothing to downgrade to, except maybe for switching between openssl1_1 and openssl3 (which IIUC should not be interchangeable as a dependency for Apache and other packages).
The openssl-1_1-livepatches
package in SLE-15SP6 pool definitely targets only SLE-15SP4 and SLE-15SP5 openssl so it was likely added to SLE-15SP6 repos by mistake. There are only two openssl packages on SLE-15SP6 right now and neither is targeted by the livepatches:
Updated by zluo 10 months ago
MDoucha wrote in #note-18:
zluo wrote in #note-17:
Does it make sense to get older libcrypto downgraded on sles15 sp6? I mean all patches of* and it maybe has target for sles 15 sp5?
It will make sense once SLE-15SP6 starts receiving updates, because openssl RPMs will be supported and livepatched for 12 months after release. It doesn't make sense now because there's nothing to downgrade to, except maybe for switching between openssl1_1 and openssl3 (which IIUC should not be interchangeable as a dependency for Apache and other packages).
package in SLE-15SP6 pool definitely targets only SLE-15SP4 and SLE-15SP5 openssl so it was likely added to SLE-15SP6 repos by mistake. There are only two openssl packages on SLE-15SP6 right now and neither is targeted by the livepatches:
okay, thanks for the explanations!
So my bug report is valid. Of course I can check this on sles 15 sp5 for the workflow and learning purpose :)
Updated by zluo 10 months ago
for update documentation:
Updated by zluo 10 months ago
I installed sles 15 sp5 and configured apache2 with SSL support and installed all required packages:
d5-201:/usr/lib64/openssl-1_1-livepatches/0.1 # lsof |grep http.*pulp
lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfsd-fuse file system /run/user/1000/gvfs
Output information may be incomplete.
httpd-pre 31678 root mem REG 0,48 39424 132611 /usr/lib64/
httpd-pre 31684 wwwrun mem REG 0,48 39424 132611 /usr/lib64/
httpd-pre 31685 wwwrun mem REG 0,48 39424 132611 /usr/lib64/
httpd-pre 31686 wwwrun mem REG 0,48 39424 132611 /usr/lib64/
httpd-pre 31687 wwwrun mem REG 0,48 39424 132611 /usr/lib64/
httpd-pre 31688 wwwrun mem REG 0,48 39424 132611 /usr/lib64/
d5-201:/usr/lib64/openssl-1_1-livepatches/0.1 # lsof |grep http.*cryp
lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfsd-fuse file system /run/user/1000/gvfs
Output information may be incomplete.
httpd-pre 31678 root mem REG 0,48 3389800 20263 /usr/lib64/
httpd-pre 31678 root mem REG 0,48 202744 9525 /usr/lib64/
httpd-pre 31678 root mem REG 0,48 1296440 10141 /usr/lib64/
httpd-pre 31684 wwwrun mem REG 0,48 3389800 20263 /usr/lib64/
httpd-pre 31684 wwwrun mem REG 0,48 202744 9525 /usr/lib64/
httpd-pre 31684 wwwrun mem REG 0,48 1296440 10141 /usr/lib64/
httpd-pre 31685 wwwrun mem REG 0,48 3389800 20263 /usr/lib64/
httpd-pre 31685 wwwrun mem REG 0,48 202744 9525 /usr/lib64/
httpd-pre 31685 wwwrun mem REG 0,48 1296440 10141 /usr/lib64/
httpd-pre 31686 wwwrun mem REG 0,48 3389800 20263 /usr/lib64/
httpd-pre 31686 wwwrun mem REG 0,48 202744 9525 /usr/lib64/
httpd-pre 31686 wwwrun mem REG 0,48 1296440 10141 /usr/lib64/
httpd-pre 31687 wwwrun mem REG 0,48 3389800 20263 /usr/lib64/
httpd-pre 31687 wwwrun mem REG 0,48 202744 9525 /usr/lib64/
httpd-pre 31687 wwwrun mem REG 0,48 1296440 10141 /usr/lib64/
httpd-pre 31688 wwwrun mem REG 0,48 3389800 20263 /usr/lib64/
httpd-pre 31688 wwwrun mem REG 0,48 202744 9525 /usr/lib64/
httpd-pre 31688 wwwrun mem REG 0,48 1296440 10141 /usr/lib64/
d5-201:/usr/lib64/openssl-1_1-livepatches/0.1 # ulp trigger -p 31678
error: could not apply to httpd-prefork (pid 31678): Build ID mismatch
note: run `ulp patches -b` to retrieve all build ids from patchable processes.
d5-201:/usr/lib64/openssl-1_1-livepatches/0.1 # ulp patches -b
PID: 30375, name: pickup
Livepatchable libraries:
in /usr/lib64/ (a913351de6e5d8dd4830dce49ff9c17138855490):
in /lib64/ (e42810d28240c9a071d143ac34efc1db577e5bfa):
in /lib64/ (02848bab8c741aab67ab26460506dc26bb93cc6b):
in /lib64/ (83611af746ef9652b7ecae972f50bec540256db0):
in /lib64/ (306fa1f1f4692920c5a650484a28bc6ccdc99902):
in /lib64/ (3a7f65fd4552d07229d8985f6b5e20cae5016274):
in /lib64/ (171a59c1c43a8f7b93c3dff765aae0b675fe10f6):
in /usr/lib64/ (d35316d1f0dc4a95f77af4eb140a9950b0dd8a4f):
PID: 31678, name: httpd-prefork
Livepatchable libraries:
in httpd-prefork (9e38cbfaca060b6a37327aff830705bd95d4538b):
in /usr/lib64/ (a913351de6e5d8dd4830dce49ff9c17138855490):
in /usr/lib64/ (916c9760382644b0df996da763a64ac5fdc441dc):
in /lib64/ (928a20e94e2b575919ada526ac5d5b5153aa4d3f):
in /lib64/ (306fa1f1f4692920c5a650484a28bc6ccdc99902):
in /lib64/ (3a7f65fd4552d07229d8985f6b5e20cae5016274):
in /lib64/ (171a59c1c43a8f7b93c3dff765aae0b675fe10f6):
in /lib64/ (83611af746ef9652b7ecae972f50bec540256db0):
in /usr/lib64/ (d35316d1f0dc4a95f77af4eb140a9950b0dd8a4f):
PID: 31684, name: httpd-prefork
Livepatchable libraries:
in httpd-prefork (9e38cbfaca060b6a37327aff830705bd95d4538b):
in /usr/lib64/ (a913351de6e5d8dd4830dce49ff9c17138855490):
in /usr/lib64/ (916c9760382644b0df996da763a64ac5fdc441dc):
in /lib64/ (928a20e94e2b575919ada526ac5d5b5153aa4d3f):
in /lib64/ (306fa1f1f4692920c5a650484a28bc6ccdc99902):
in /lib64/ (3a7f65fd4552d07229d8985f6b5e20cae5016274):
in /lib64/ (171a59c1c43a8f7b93c3dff765aae0b675fe10f6):
in /lib64/ (83611af746ef9652b7ecae972f50bec540256db0):
in /usr/lib64/ (d35316d1f0dc4a95f77af4eb140a9950b0dd8a4f):
PID: 31685, name: httpd-prefork
Livepatchable libraries:
in httpd-prefork (9e38cbfaca060b6a37327aff830705bd95d4538b):
in /usr/lib64/ (a913351de6e5d8dd4830dce49ff9c17138855490):
in /usr/lib64/ (916c9760382644b0df996da763a64ac5fdc441dc):
in /lib64/ (928a20e94e2b575919ada526ac5d5b5153aa4d3f):
in /lib64/ (306fa1f1f4692920c5a650484a28bc6ccdc99902):
in /lib64/ (3a7f65fd4552d07229d8985f6b5e20cae5016274):
in /lib64/ (171a59c1c43a8f7b93c3dff765aae0b675fe10f6):
in /lib64/ (83611af746ef9652b7ecae972f50bec540256db0):
in /usr/lib64/ (d35316d1f0dc4a95f77af4eb140a9950b0dd8a4f):
PID: 31686, name: httpd-prefork
Livepatchable libraries:
in httpd-prefork (9e38cbfaca060b6a37327aff830705bd95d4538b):
in /usr/lib64/ (a913351de6e5d8dd4830dce49ff9c17138855490):
in /usr/lib64/ (916c9760382644b0df996da763a64ac5fdc441dc):
in /lib64/ (928a20e94e2b575919ada526ac5d5b5153aa4d3f):
in /lib64/ (306fa1f1f4692920c5a650484a28bc6ccdc99902):
in /lib64/ (3a7f65fd4552d07229d8985f6b5e20cae5016274):
in /lib64/ (171a59c1c43a8f7b93c3dff765aae0b675fe10f6):
in /lib64/ (83611af746ef9652b7ecae972f50bec540256db0):
in /usr/lib64/ (d35316d1f0dc4a95f77af4eb140a9950b0dd8a4f):
PID: 31687, name: httpd-prefork
Livepatchable libraries:
in httpd-prefork (9e38cbfaca060b6a37327aff830705bd95d4538b):
in /usr/lib64/ (a913351de6e5d8dd4830dce49ff9c17138855490):
in /usr/lib64/ (916c9760382644b0df996da763a64ac5fdc441dc):
in /lib64/ (928a20e94e2b575919ada526ac5d5b5153aa4d3f):
in /lib64/ (306fa1f1f4692920c5a650484a28bc6ccdc99902):
in /lib64/ (3a7f65fd4552d07229d8985f6b5e20cae5016274):
in /lib64/ (171a59c1c43a8f7b93c3dff765aae0b675fe10f6):
in /lib64/ (83611af746ef9652b7ecae972f50bec540256db0):
in /usr/lib64/ (d35316d1f0dc4a95f77af4eb140a9950b0dd8a4f):
PID: 31688, name: httpd-prefork
Livepatchable libraries:
in httpd-prefork (9e38cbfaca060b6a37327aff830705bd95d4538b):
in /usr/lib64/ (a913351de6e5d8dd4830dce49ff9c17138855490):
in /usr/lib64/ (916c9760382644b0df996da763a64ac5fdc441dc):
in /lib64/ (928a20e94e2b575919ada526ac5d5b5153aa4d3f):
in /lib64/ (306fa1f1f4692920c5a650484a28bc6ccdc99902):
in /lib64/ (3a7f65fd4552d07229d8985f6b5e20cae5016274):
in /lib64/ (171a59c1c43a8f7b93c3dff765aae0b675fe10f6):
in /lib64/ (83611af746ef9652b7ecae972f50bec540256db0):
in /usr/lib64/ (d35316d1f0dc4a95f77af4eb140a9950b0dd8a4f):
I have problem with live patches: Build ID mismatch
Updated by MDoucha 10 months ago
zluo wrote in #note-21:
I have problem with live patches: Build ID mismatch
Which libopenssl
version is installed? The openssl-1_1-livepatches package targets only these versions on SLE-15SP5:
- libopenssl1_1-1.1.1l-150500.15.4
- libopenssl1_1-1.1.1l-150500.17.12.1
- libopenssl1_1-1.1.1l-150500.17.15.1
- libopenssl1_1-1.1.1l-150500.17.19.1
- libopenssl1_1-1.1.1l-150500.17.6.1
- libopenssl1_1-1.1.1l-150500.17.9.1
Applying the livepatch .so file to the wrong libopenssl version will result in build ID mismatch error.
Updated by zluo 10 months ago · Edited
MDoucha wrote in #note-22:
zluo wrote in #note-21:
I have problem with live patches: Build ID mismatch
version is installed? The openssl-1_1-livepatches package targets only these versions on SLE-15SP5:
- libopenssl1_1-1.1.1l-150500.15.4
- libopenssl1_1-1.1.1l-150500.17.12.1
- libopenssl1_1-1.1.1l-150500.17.15.1
- libopenssl1_1-1.1.1l-150500.17.19.1
- libopenssl1_1-1.1.1l-150500.17.6.1
- libopenssl1_1-1.1.1l-150500.17.9.1
Applying the livepatch .so file to the wrong libopenssl version will result in build ID mismatch error.
well, I have installed following:
d5-201:/home/zaoliang # zypper info openssl-1_1
Repository-Daten werden geladen...
Installierte Pakete werden gelesen...
Informationen zu Paket openssl-1_1:
Repository : sle-module-basesystem
Name : openssl-1_1
Version : 1.1.1l-150500.15.4
Arch : x86_64
Anbieter : SUSE LLC <>
Support Level : Stufe 3
Installierte Größe : 1,6 MiB
Installiert : Ja (automatisch)
Status : aktuell
Quellpaket : openssl-1_1-1.1.1l-150500.15.4.src
Upstream-URL :
Zusammenfassung : Secure Sockets and Transport Layer Security
Beschreibung :
OpenSSL is a software library to be used in applications that need to
secure communications over computer networks against eavesdropping or
need to ascertain the identity of the party at the other end.
OpenSSL contains an implementation of the SSL and TLS protocols.
d5-201:/home/zaoliang # zypper info openssl-1_1-livepatches
Repository-Daten werden geladen...
Installierte Pakete werden gelesen...
Informationen zu Paket openssl-1_1-livepatches:
Repository : sle-module-live-patching
Name : openssl-1_1-livepatches
Version : 0.1-150400.3.3.1
Arch : x86_64
Anbieter : SUSE LLC <>
Support Level : Stufe 3
Installierte Größe : 33,0 KiB
Installiert : Ja
Status : aktuell
Quellpaket : openssl-1_1-livepatches-0.1-150400.3.3.1.src
Upstream-URL :
Zusammenfassung : Livepatches for OpenSSL
Beschreibung :
Live patching enables userland processes to be fixed without a restart cycle.
This package provides live patches for the libraries provided by openssl.
Applying a live patch requires libpulp-tools.
Updated by MDoucha 10 months ago
zluo wrote in #note-23:
well, I have installed following:
Informationen zu Paket openssl-1_1: ----------------------------------- Repository : sle-module-basesystem Name : openssl-1_1 Version : 1.1.1l-150500.15.4
Then ulp trigger
is the only command that will work.
You've tried ulp trigger -p 31678
which is the wrong version for another SLES release.
Updated by zluo 10 months ago
MDoucha wrote in #note-24:
zluo wrote in #note-23:
well, I have installed following:
Informationen zu Paket openssl-1_1: ----------------------------------- Repository : sle-module-basesystem Name : openssl-1_1 Version : 1.1.1l-150500.15.4
ulp trigger
is the only command that will work.You've tried
ulp trigger -p 31678
which is the wrong version for another SLES release.
yes, thanks!
after I zypper up livepatches, it works!
d5-201:/usr/lib64/openssl-1_1-livepatches/0.2 # l
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10872 20. Nov 11:30*
d5-201:/usr/lib64/openssl-1_1-livepatches/0.2 # ulp trigger -p 31678
ulp: Unable to get section data.
httpd-prefork (pid: 31678): SKIPPED Patch already applied
ulp: Processes patched: 0, Skipped: 1, Failed: 0.
Updated by mgrifalconi 28 days ago
Hello, what is the status here? @zluo was the test implemented in the end? or just manual POC?
Updated by mgrifalconi 28 days ago
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