action #15880
openos-autoinst: Loading snapshots during development does not work when using simulated usb thumbdrive as install medium
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Trying to load qemu img snapshots using "SKIPTO=…" on openQA client command fails to load the snapshot even though the according hard disk image has the according snapshot.
I added a debug output to find the error message and will provide a PR to os-autoinst for that, but that's not the issue here.
16:10:12.6247 14224 starting: /usr/bin/qemu-kvm -serial file:serial0 -soundhw ac97 -vga cirrus -global isa-fdc.driveA= -vga cirrus -m 1024 -cpu qemu64 -netdev
ser,id=qanet0 -device virtio-net,netdev=qanet0,mac=52:54:00:12:34:56 -device virtio-scsi-pci,id=scsi0 -device virtio-blk,drive=hd1 -drive file=raid/l1,cache=u
afe,if=none,id=hd1,format=qcow2 -drive if=none,id=usbstick,file=/var/lib/openqa/factory/iso/SLE-12-SP3-Server-DVD-x86_64-Build0207-Media1.iso,snapshot=on -dev
e usb-ehci,id=ehci -device usb-storage,bus=ehci.0,drive=usbstick,id=devusb -boot once=d,menu=on,splash-time=5000 -device usb-ehci -device usb-tablet -smp 1 -e
ble-kvm -no-shutdown -vnc :100,share=force-shared -device virtio-serial -chardev socket,path=virtio_console,server,nowait,id=virtio_console,logfile=virtio_con
le.log -device virtconsole,chardev=virtio_console,name=org.openqa.console.virtio_console -qmp unix:qmp_socket,server,nowait -monitor unix:hmp_socket,server,no
it -S -monitor telnet:,server,nowait
16:10:13.6594 14218 Snapshots are supported
16:10:13.6609 14218 skipping installation-isosize
16:10:13.7012 14218 skipping console-snapper_undochange
16:10:13.7022 14218 Loading a VM snapshot console-xorg_vt
DIE Could not load snapshot 'console-xorg_vt': loadvm console-xorg_vt
Device 'usbstick' does not have the requested snapshot 'console-xorg_vt' at /local/os-autoinst/backend/ line 217.
steps to reproduce¶
- clone any USBinstall job from o3/osd
- make sure to run your worker with
and such for using qemu snapshots - after one run, clone again with
- observe the error in autoinst-log.txt
H1. qemu is confused where to load snapshots from when specifying a simulated USB thumbdrive as second drive which is not a cdrom
Need to run the complete test from scratch without the use of snapshots.