I can reproduce the problem in https://gitlab.suse.de/openqa/salt-states-openqa/-/jobs/2428083#L1075
Apparently the problem was a stuck process on monitor.qe.nue2.suse.org:
root 7403 0.0 0.1 1383888 23216 ? Sl Mar25 0:45 \_ /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/salt-minion
root 17455 0.0 0.0 40468 6556 ? S Mar25 0:00 | \_ systemctl start dehydrated
I terminated that process and salt continued. I realized this because I ran salt --state-output=changes 'monitor*' state.test
and found:
Data failed to compile:
The function "state.highstate" is running as PID 7403 and was started at 2024, Mar 25 08:37:35.942378 with jid 20240325083735942378
The function "state.highstate" is running as PID 15299 and was started at 2024, Mar 26 12:49:36.904865 with jid 20240326124936904865
After some time waiting until the system settled the multiple salt calls I could call salt --state-output=changes 'monitor*' state.test
So salt-states-openqa is fine again. If that happens again I suggest to look for stuck processes.
I will research a bit if that is something we can improve.