action #156304
closed[salt-pillars] Pipeline failed / Passed invalid arguments to state.highstate
++ timeout -v --kill-after=10m 90m ssh 'set -eo pipefail; rm -f salt_highstate.log; salt --log-file=salt_highstate.log --log-file-level=debug --state-output=changes --hide-timeout \* state.highstate queue=True | awk '\''/Result..Clean[- ]*Started/ {print > "salt_profiling.log"; next} 1'\'''
Passed invalid arguments to state.highstate: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not list
Retrieve the state data from the salt master for this minion and execute it
This is an error message we generally see every now and then.
- DONE Restart pipelines
Investigate what's causing the invalid highstate
- Checkout - the debugging-code should be still in place on all workers
As we have seen that problem in the past lookup older tickets if we have reported something similar
Research if this is an upstream issue
Try to find mitigations, workarounds, better error messages, etc.
Updated by livdywan about 1 year ago
Looks like the retry passed
Updated by livdywan 12 months ago
- Priority changed from High to Low
mkittler wrote in #note-2:
This is an error message we generally see every now and then. I don't think it justifies a highly prioritized ticket.
I couldn't tell if it was reproducible or known in advance. That's why I went with High. At this point I guess we can assume whatever it is had minor impact.
Updated by okurz 11 months ago
- Related to action #158023: salt-states-openqa pipeline invalid arguments to state.highstate on added