action #157720
closedcoordination #151816: [epic] Handle openQA fixes and job group setup
Investigate whether it is suitable to set DESKTOP=textmode on SLES12SP5 to SLES15SP6 migration cases
The testsuites of migration from SLES12SP5 to SLES15SP6 are changed to use DESKTOP=textmode as well as use textmode image, related MR:
This caused two new issues in regression cases, see the failed job (Same errors in the VRs in the MR above):
Issue [1]: After migration by Full Media, it started to register system and modules, if register development-tools module, need to register desktop applications module first because they are dependency modules. We have related code about this:
if (check_var('DESKTOP', 'gnome') && is_sle('15+')) {
my $desk = "sle-module-desktop-applications";
record_info($desk, "Register $desk");
add_suseconnect_product($desk, undef, undef, undef, 300, $retry);
While the job set DESKTOP=textmdoe, so it won't register Desktop Applications Module, which cased the failure. And we can not add "desktop" to SCC_ADDONS setting, because there's no "desktop" module on 12SP5, it is only available on 15SPx.
ISSUE [2]: I compared [the job last good], it would switch to desktop, while it is set using textmode, so the job stopped.
Acceptance criteria¶
AC1 : Investigate whether it is suitable to set DESKTOP=textmode on SLES12SP5 to SLES15SP6 migration cases
AC2 : Update the code of registering Desktop Applications if still use textmode; it not, revert the MR
AC3 : Resolve the issue 2