action #157720
closedcoordination #151816: [epic] Handle openQA fixes and job group setup
Investigate whether it is suitable to set DESKTOP=textmode on SLES12SP5 to SLES15SP6 migration cases
The testsuites of migration from SLES12SP5 to SLES15SP6 are changed to use DESKTOP=textmode as well as use textmode image, related MR:
This caused two new issues in regression cases, see the failed job (Same errors in the VRs in the MR above):
Issue [1]: After migration by Full Media, it started to register system and modules, if register development-tools module, need to register desktop applications module first because they are dependency modules. We have related code about this:
if (check_var('DESKTOP', 'gnome') && is_sle('15+')) {
my $desk = "sle-module-desktop-applications";
record_info($desk, "Register $desk");
add_suseconnect_product($desk, undef, undef, undef, 300, $retry);
While the job set DESKTOP=textmdoe, so it won't register Desktop Applications Module, which cased the failure. And we can not add "desktop" to SCC_ADDONS setting, because there's no "desktop" module on 12SP5, it is only available on 15SPx.
ISSUE [2]: I compared [the job last good], it would switch to desktop, while it is set using textmode, so the job stopped.
Acceptance criteria¶
AC1 : Investigate whether it is suitable to set DESKTOP=textmode on SLES12SP5 to SLES15SP6 migration cases
AC2 : Update the code of registering Desktop Applications if still use textmode; it not, revert the MR
AC3 : Resolve the issue 2
Updated by JERiveraMoya 6 months ago
we cannot install sdk without desktop, it is a dependency, so we should update this part in the test.
Updated by JERiveraMoya 6 months ago
- Tags set to qe-yam-apr-sprint
- Status changed from New to Workable
- Parent task set to #151816
Updated by zoecao 6 months ago
leli wrote in #note-2:
JERiveraMoya wrote in #note-1:
we cannot install sdk without desktop, it is a dependency, so we should update this part in the test.
Yes, should remove sdk,desktop application from addon list for textmode, both for the support image and migration test.
We should adapt the code of registering modules after media type migration instead of removing sdk from addon list.
Updated by JERiveraMoya 6 months ago
zoecao wrote in #note-4:
leli wrote in #note-2:
JERiveraMoya wrote in #note-1:
we cannot install sdk without desktop, it is a dependency, so we should update this part in the test.
Yes, should remove sdk,desktop application from addon list for textmode, both for the support image and migration test.
We should adapt the code of registering modules after media type migration instead of removing sdk from addon list.
if it is now a textmode for the support image, doesn't need desktop or dev module, why to adapt the code of the registration? wouldn't be more clean to not setup the job for migration to do this?
maybe I'm missing your point and we are saying similar things, not sure.
Updated by leli 6 months ago
I tried to active desktop application after media migration of SLE12SP5, it seems works .
While we still need investigate the following failure after that whether it is a test issue or need remove from the specific test.
Updated by JERiveraMoya 6 months ago
- Tags changed from qe-yam-apr-sprint to qe-yam-may-sprint
Updated by leli 5 months ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
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