action #157612
closedcoordination #58184: [saga][epic][use case] full version control awareness within openQA
coordination #159573: [epic] Marketing/training/documentation about new version control features
Bump openQA version from 4.6.x to 5.x to be consistent with semver
We automatically update versions but it looks like we only deliver "patches" with versions like 4.6.177… . We don't have maintenance patches for older versions so to be compliant with we should bump to a new major version and automatically update minor versions, e.g. 5.….
- Update references to "4.6" in os-autoinst codebase
- Same as above for openQA
- Update
- Update
- Ensure new versions 5.x are released as part of RPM packages for both os-autoinst+openQA properly
- Ensure there is no relevant impact on production operation
Further details¶
- Small caveat: Major versions should be bumped on non-backward compatible changes which we currently don't have and also we wouldn't guarantee major version upgrades on breaking changes but I think we are still better off.
Updated by okurz 10 months ago · Edited
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from New to Blocked
- Target version changed from future to Tools - Next
- Parent task set to #159573
I would like to link that version bump to the completion of the #58184 saga, in particular #152847, to show that the related new features are significant.
But first wait for #152847
Updated by okurz 3 months ago
- Blocked by action #168379: Enable automatic openQA git clone by default size:S added
Updated by okurz 3 days ago
After #168379 has now sufficiently progressed we got both and merged. Updated _service for both and
Updated by okurz 3 days ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
Also wrote a message to chat channels, e.g. in matrix!$-FOkhXTuIWmICMxXHKOgr2gQAyCWf0yqEIy8fXdx-84
Hi everyone, as probably most of you know we have very frequent releases of os-autoinst+openQA. With every commit that is merged to the main git repository we build RPM packages and also continuously deploy them on Just some minutes ago we released the new major version 5 of os-autoinst+openQA with the actual specific versions being os-autoinst-5.1740506581.723f45e and openQA-5.1740508540.97132f2d so let's celebrate! :partying_face: also shows version 5 deployed