



action #156115


coordination #152773: [epic] Provide relevant squad metrics

Investigate how to implement an own InfluxDB for the Yam squad and migrate data

Added by rainerkoenig 11 months ago. Updated 10 months ago.

Target version:
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% Done:


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Since the amount of ideas for metrics in our squad is increasing we should really consider, if we could consider to use an own Yam specific InfluxDB database, if you browse the data sources in Grafana, you see that there are currently 9 different InfluxDB databases for various needs, so we should discuss with the tools team how much effort it would be to our own workflows that use a Yam specific database, which would make our metrics less confusing because we don't see all the other metrics from other teams in the default InfluxDB.

Therefore we need investigate the following topics:

  • What is needed to create an own InfluxDB for the Yam squad that then we could use as a data source in Grafana?
  • How can we import previously existing data from the default InfluxDB to our new InfluxDB?
  • Do we need to configure data retention (automatic purging of very old records) to prevent the DB from growing endlessly?

Additionals info

  • The current configuration is maintained in the salt-pollars-openqa repository on GitLab (owned by tools team).
  • You may ask @szarate how he created his own foursixnine-influx database to get ideas

Acceptance criteria

  • AC1: Documented way to create and maintain an own InfluxDB
  • AC2: Documented script that is able to import previous data into the new InfluxDB
Actions #1

Updated by JERiveraMoya 11 months ago

  • Tags set to qe-yam-mar-sprint
  • Subject changed from Investigate: Implement an own InfluxDB for the Yam squad to Investigate how to implement an own InfluxDB for the Yam squad and migrate data
  • Status changed from New to Workable
Actions #2

Updated by JERiveraMoya 10 months ago

  • Tags changed from qe-yam-mar-sprint to qe-core-april-sprint

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