action #15466
closedLive view takes long time to load when there's more than two "viewers"
When there are more than two browsers (say users) looking at a job's live view, the third one henceforth will take a noticeable time to load.
steps to reproduce¶
- Go to
- Go to All tests, and choose one running job, and open the live view
- Open again the live view for the same job 4 times
Somehow the webUI is getting stalled trying to process the 3rd/4th request (Stalling on images mostly)
Check the sub streaming
Have no more than two live views enabled.
Updated by okurz about 8 years ago
- Category changed from Regressions/Crashes to Feature requests
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
Compared to the other issues we have I am sure you will agree this is low prio. And also I don't consider it a "concrete bug". It's a feature request. I guess multi-viewer mode was never specified properly.
Updated by szarate about 8 years ago
- Category changed from Feature requests to Regressions/Crashes
I agree with the priority, but I don't see it as a feature request, the feature is already implemented and works, but also has a problem therefore it's a bug.
Updated by coolo over 7 years ago
- Assignee set to coolo
- Target version set to future
I will work on the live view going forward
Updated by coolo almost 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
Can't reproduce - had 6 tabs open together with Rodion