action #152281
closedcoordination #102915: [saga][epic] Automated classification of failures
QA - coordination #94105: [epic] Use feedback from openqa-investigate to automatically inform on github pull requests, open tickets, weed out automatically failed tests
Schedule openQA SLE maintenance bisect jobs with lower priority same as openqa-investigate
In openqa-investigate we already add +100 to the prio value to give production jobs priority. For openqa-trigger-bisect-jobs we do not do that yet leading to problems as mentioned in by mgriessmeier. So we should also ensure that we can adjust the priority of generated jobs in openqa-trigger-bisect-jobs.
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: All jobs created by openqa-trigger-bisect-jobs have a prio value of at least 100
- Look for "prio_add" in
- Do the equivalent in
- Monitor effect in production
Updated by okurz 9 months ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Workable shows multiple jobs with default prio 50, e.g. which is "qam_alpha_supportserver:investigate:last_good_tests_and_build:f69e77d29d96cab7c9a3e18c5cd2cfb73f371ee4+20231208-1", so not triggered by the bisect script but related. I assume this is related to jobs in a multi-machine cluster where maybe only the initial job gets the +100 prio value and others not. And that problem might apply to both openqa-investigate as well as openqa-bisect.
Updated by mkittler 9 months ago
- Status changed from Workable to In Progress
No, this problem only applies to openqa-investigate
In openqa-trigger-bisect-jobs
I implemented setting the prio properly via a loop over all jobs:
for job_id in sorted(created_job_ids):"Created {job_id}")
created += f"* **{test_name}**: {base_url}/t{job_id}\n"
openqa_set_job_prio(job_id, args.url, prio, args.dry_run)
Only in openqa-investigate
we have code that doesn't take into account that we might have cloned multiple jobs:
# output: { "$id": $clone_id }
clone_id=$(echo "$out" | runjq -r ".\"$id\"")
# Create markdown list entry
echo "* *$name*: t#$clone_id"
"${client_call[@]}" --json --data "{\"priority\": $((base_prio + prio_add))}" -X PUT jobs/"$clone_id" >/dev/null
Updated by mkittler 9 months ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
The PR has been merged and it looks like it works in production, e.g. and
There are jobs with prio 80 but those have likely been changed manually (because 80 is also not the default prio):
openqa=> select id, priority from jobs where state = 'scheduled' and priority < 150 and test like '%:investigate:%' limit 10;
id | priority
13097441 | 80
13097440 | 80
(2 rows)