action #13952
closedtoo many warnings about dead workers in log
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log /var/log/openqa show many warnings like the following
[Tue Sep 27 20:31:46 2016] [28789:warn] 592014 got a status update but has no worker. huh?
[Tue Sep 27 20:31:46 2016] [28789:warn] 592015 got a status update but has no worker. huh?
[Tue Sep 27 20:31:47 2016] [28783:warn] 592017 got an artefact but has no worker. huh?
[Tue Sep 27 20:31:47 2016] [28812:warn] 592014 got an artefact but has no worker. huh?
[Tue Sep 27 20:31:47 2016] [28812:warn] 592015 got an artefact but has no worker. huh?
[Tue Sep 27 20:31:47 2016] [28812:warn] 592017 got an artefact but has no worker. huh?
The warnings reported in the log files are a symptom of the dead job detection (and mitigation). Problem is that the worker should react on the first 404 by the webui but isn't. It's retrying when it should rather abort the job processing at once.