action #138263
openStrip unneeded code from os-autoinst-setup-multi-machine
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Looking at os-autoinst-setup-multi-machine it seems that there are some steps done, that are not actually necessary.
Apart from the obvious (setting up the firewall and then overwriting some previous changes by overwriting the zone xml)
there are some services (isotovideo) set up in the firewall config that might not be needed,
as we set the zone to target=ACCEPT anyway.
When not setting target=ACCEPT it might even lock us out from SSH access,
from what it looks like.
Updated by livdywan over 1 year ago
- Related to action #133025: Configure Virtual Interfaces instructions do not work on Leap 15.5 size:M added
Updated by okurz over 1 year ago
To be able to answer the question consistently which code is unneeded we would need automated tests for multi-machine across workers including developer mode. All should be feasible in openQA-in-openQA
Updated by okurz over 1 year ago
- Target version changed from Tools - Next to future