



tickets #133070


Forum backups failing

Added by hendersj over 1 year ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

Servers hosted in NBG
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


Good afternoon -

Talked with hellcp (Jacob) about this, but he's on vacation until the 25th
and asked that I send this along to this e-mail address so someone else can
take a look at it.

The last couple of days, we've received a notification that the Discourse
backups are failing. The log starts with the following:

[2023-07-19 03:37:33] [STARTED] [2023-07-19 03:37:33] 'system' has started
the backup! [2023-07-19 03:37:33] Marking backup as running... [2023-07-19
03:37:33] Making sure
'/srv/www/vhosts/discourse/tmp/backups/default/2023-07-19-033733' exists...
[2023-07-19 03:37:33] Making sure
'/srv/www/vhosts/discourse/public/backups/default' exists... [2023-07-19
03:37:33] Updating metadata... [2023-07-19 03:37:33] Dumping the public
schema of the database... [2023-07-19 03:37:33] pg_dump: error: server
version: 15.3; pg_dump version: 14.8 [2023-07-19 03:37:33] pg_dump: error:
aborting because of server version mismatch [2023-07-19 03:37:33]
EXCEPTION: pg_dump failed

There's more, but this is the relevant section. Looks like pgsql was
probably updated but the pg_dump utility wasn't. Jacob said that someone
else would be able to take a look and resolve this while he's away.

Let me know if there's anything else needed - thanks!


Actions #1

Updated by pjessen over 1 year ago

  • Assignee set to hellcp
  • Private changed from Yes to No

Talked with hellcp (Jacob) about this, but he's on vacation until the 25th
and asked that I send this along to this e-mail address so someone else can
take a look at it.

Assigning to hellcp. Being on vacation does not free you of your opensuse obligations :-)

Actions #2

Updated by hellcp over 1 year ago

It's more of an issue of being incapable rather than unwilling, I would love to do it, but it's a matter of switching around a pg package on the system which is pretty easy for anyone else to do in the time when I cannot

Actions #3

Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago

  • Category set to Servers hosted in NBG
  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • Assignee changed from hellcp to crameleon

I don't quite understand why there's a local PostgreSQL server running on discourse01, that one should either be removed or upgraded to version 15 as well in order not having to keep two Postgres versions on the machine.

Actions #4

Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago

  • Category deleted (Servers hosted in NBG)
  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved

Anyways, it seems to "prefer" the new version for pg_dump, hence I assume this issue is resolved:

(1/1) Installing: postgresql15-15.3-1.5.x86_64 .........................................................................................................[done]
discourse01 (discourse):~ # rpm -qf $(which pg_dump)
discourse01 (discourse):~ # pg_dump --version
pg_dump (PostgreSQL) 15.3

Let me know if there's anything left to do, I couldn't find a way to manually trigger this backup logic to test it.

Actions #5

Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago

  • Category set to Servers hosted in NBG
Actions #6

Updated by hendersj over 1 year ago

I'll keep an eye out for any additional messages, and if I see any, I'll report back. Thanks for the quick fix!


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