action #13254
closedcheck which packages turned into a fork
Some packages in 42.1 turned into a Fork after the lookup file for 42.2 was created. Update crawler would therefore continue to try to submit from the original location instead of 42.1.
So the lookup file of 42.1 needs to be checked for forks. Maybe maintenance can help.
Updated by lnussel over 8 years ago
- Due date changed from 2016-08-25 to 2016-09-13
- Assignee set to mlin7442
max, could you take care of this please?
Updated by dimstar over 8 years ago
The last column in the sheet is a 'code' to make it easier to filter
- FIXED = nothing left to do. manager 42 found the right solution
- SYNC = created an SR to sync from SLE/TW/updates - usually just minor tweaks that went lost; helps manager to fixup
- TODO = Some actual work is needed; mostly syncing stuff into the SLE coebase
- OK = FORK is correct - nothing to do
- CONFIRM = Release Manager to confirm. This is mainly Texlive, which never existed in this form in TW
Updated by dimstar over 8 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 70
The ones listed as 'CONFIRM' in the sheet need the Release Managers view.
The ones listed as 'TODO' I'll try to catch up with today
Updated by dimstar over 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- % Done changed from 70 to 100
I checked further on the 'TODO' marked ones:
DirectFB FORK TODO build-fix in Leap over SLE12; plan for sync-back to SLE12SP3
bspwm FORK TODO Will clean up once this is accepted in TW
go-mango-doc FORK TODO Package has been renamed in TW (golang-googlecode-mango-doc)
iproute2 FORK TODO build-fix in Leap over SLE12; plan for sync-back to SLE12SP3
lxdm FORK TODO Package is dropped from TW; lightdm in Leap 42.2 does not have the mig. code.
patterns-openSUSE FORK TODO The distros deviated a bit here: we should try to re-align for 43.3
polkit FORK TODO build-fix in Leap over SLE12; plan for sync-back to SLE12SP3
rubygem-fast_gettext-1_2 FORK TODO Compat package; in TW this is the 'unversioned' one
xorg-x11-server FORK TODO Explicitly branched
Updated by lnussel about 8 years ago
- Copied to action #16842: check which packages turned into a fork added